Chapter 6! {He Cares For Me}

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~Niall's POV~

We got off the plane about fifteen minutes ago. Ary is shaking in my arms as we wait for our luggage. "Babe, relax" I whisper to her. "I can't" She whispers back. I smirk and kiss her temple. I rub her arms and watch for our luggage. It soon comes around and we pull it off the belts. Ary takes my hand as we walk out of the airport dragging our luggage behind us. We head over to the car rentals and get a car. Ary curls up in the passenger's seat and soon falls asleep. I smile. She's so adorable no matter what she does. I soon pull up into the driveway of my parent's house. "Ary, babe. Wake up. We're here" I whisper to her rubbing her shoulder. She stirs and looks at me. I give her a weak smile as I see the nervousness in her eyes. "They're most likely sleeping anyway so you can get some sleep first" I tell her. She nods and gets out of the car. I follow her around the car to the back where we gather our luggage. I lead her to the door and unlock it. We step inside the dark house. I feel around for the lamp and soon find the switch. Ary wraps her arms around me as soon as she can see. I smirk and wrap my arms around her. "You ok?" I ask. She nods. "I just needed a hug" She mumbles. I smile and kiss her head. "C'mon my room is upstairs." I whisper. She gives me a smile and we head upstairs with our luggage. Ary immediately climbs onto my bed and under the duvet. I soon join her. After a couple minutes Ary is back asleep.


"Niall" Ary says shaking me awake. "Hmm?" I ask rolling over. "I think your family is awake" She says. I wrap my arm around her waist and pull her to my chest. She slides her hands under my shirt on my chest. I kiss her forehead and squeeze her. She smiles and presses her lips against mine. "C'mon" I tell her and get up. She takes my hand and I pull her out of bed. She giggles as I tickle her sides. It ends up in a hug. "Mm Niall Horan I love you" She says and kisses me. "I love you too" I tell her and kiss her. "Dude, Niall! Other people live here too!" Greg says. I turn and give him a look. Ary burys her face in my chest as the blush creeps up to her cheeks. "Hi, I'm Greg" He says. Ary turns from me to him and gives him a weak smile. "Ary" She says and shakes his hand. "Mum is making breakfast Nialler" Greg says. I nod and rub Ary's back. Greg walks out of my room leaving me with Ary. Ary turns to me again and burys her face in my chest. "Excuse my brother. He's quite strange. And don't say that I didn't warn you" I laugh. She smiles into my chest making me tingle. "I'm gonna take a shower" She says. I nod and let her go.

~Ary's POV~

I walk into the bathroom with my clothes and turn on the shower. So I met Greg. Uh, it was awkward. I step into the shower and wash my hair. Oh how I love the smell of my shampoo. I finish my shower and get out. I dry off and get dressed. I step out of the bathroom and back into Niall's room. A hand covers my mouth and another over my eyes. The door closes with the tap of a foot. What the hell. My heart races. I reach up to move the hand. As soon as I touch them I know that it's just Niall. I pry the hands off my face and spin around. "Niall" I giggle. He slams his lips onto mine. "What are you doing?" I ask after he pulls away. "I just love you that's all" He says. "Your strange you know that" I mumble. "I know" He whispers to me. I press my lips against his. He grips my waist tightly as we kiss. My phone rings on the bed. I pull away from Niall and grab it off the bed. I look at the caller ID and see that it's Liam. I smile and answer it. "Hey Li" I say. "Hey, uh...Eva is here" He says. "What, Eva? Why is she there?" I ask getting worried. "I don't know she isn't talking...she's crying" He says. "She's crying what the hell?" I say. "I don't know what to do about it" He says. "I don't either it's not like I'm in Ireland or anything" I say with sarcasm at the end. "Ary" He says. "Sorry, can you put her on the phone?" I ask. "I guess" He says. I hear some shuffling and sniffles. "Eva" I say. "Ary, hi" She says. "Is everything ok?" I ask. "No not really" She says hurt in her voice. "Can you tell me what happened?" I ask. "I was on a flight to surprise you and then my dad called and said my mum is in the hospital with cancer and they're giving her about five weeks to live" She says and bursts out into another fit of crying. "Oh my god Eva I'm so sorry" I tell her and sit down on Niall's bed. I can feel my face is pale. "Do you want me to come back?" I ask. "No, no. Liam told me where you were. It's ok. Liam said I could stay in your old room as long as I needed to." She says. "Ok, I should be back in a couple days." I tell her. "Ok" She says following sniffles. "Hang in there ok if you need anything just call." I say. "Ok" She says. There is again some shuffling before Liam is on the phone. "Li, take care of her until I get back please" I beg. "I will" He says. "Thank you" I tell him. "Ok, I love you have fun" Liam says. "Yea, I love you too" I tell him. The line goes dead. I hang up and bury my face in my hands. My best friend's mother has cancer. My best friend's mother isn't expected to live. I don't understand how to handle this. Niall sits down next to me and puts a hand on my back. "Babe, is everything ok?" He asks softly. "Eva's mum has cancer." I tell him. "I'm sorry" He says and wraps his arms around me. "She has five weeks to live" I say and burst out crying. Eva's mum was like my mum. I would spend weeks over there just because I could. Her mum was amazing. A cook. A friend. And just plain fun. Niall holds me as I shake. Eventually I stop. Niall wipes the final tears from my cheeks. "Niall, I don't know how to deal with this." I tell him. "Just be there for Eva ok I'll be here for you but Eva needs someone too" He says. I nod and cuddle into his chest. Niall rubs my arm and kisses my temple. "Do you want breakfast or not?" He asks. I shake my head no and close my eyes. "Niall I feel bad cause I'm sitting here wanting to meet your family yet my best friend's mother is going to die soon" I tell him. "It's alright my family will understand and besides I'm sure you'll get another chance to see him. Greg's wedding is coming up soon so then you'll see them" He says reassuringly. I grip his t-shirt and take a deep breath. Niall holds me for a while longer before he lays me back on his bed. "I'm gonna go talk to my mum ok" He says. I nod and snuggle into the pillow. Niall walks out of the room, closing the door behind him. I take another deep breath and close my eyes soon falling back asleep.


"Ary, babe wake up" Niall says from where he's crouching down beside me. I smile at him and sit up on the edge of the bed. Niall joins me and takes my hand. "How ya doin?" He asks. "Fine" I say a bit shakily. Niall gives me a tight hug. "My mum said it was ok if you wanted to go back to the house" He says. I look at him with disbelief flooding my eyes. "I'm not going back. Eva said it was fine if I stayed" I tell him. He gives me a sympathetic smile and kisses my forehead. "So what do we do now?" I ask. "I don't know, we could go for a walk." He suggests.  I nod. Niall gets up and takes my hand. I join him and we walk down the stairs. "Mum, we're going for a walk" Niall calls. We walk into the foyer and out the door. We don't say anything most of the time. It's kinda nice with just the sounds of nature. I love Niall. He makes me feel safe and secure. I love him with my whole heart. I really think that he's the one. My one true love. "Penny for your thoughts?" He asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "I was just thinking about how much I love you" I tell him. He smiles and squeezes my hand. "I love you too." He says. I stand on my tiptoes and kiss his cheek. He smile and presses his lips against mine. This is perfect. Everything I need to make me feel better.

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