Chapter 11 Boats, Gifts and Lembas Bread

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From now on italics means Elvish.
The next morning it was time to bid farewell to the elves of Lothlórien who had decided to give them gifts as a token of good will "Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our own people," said Celeborn curtly who was the male Harry had seen the night before with Galadriel, some selected elves gave leaf green cloaks to the fellowship, each of the fastened with an ornate leaf shaped broach "May these cloaks help shield you from unfriendly eyes," said Celeborn.
Four boats were gifted to the fellowship, the white wood that made them was carved impeccably along with the oars, Harry had never seen such ornate carvings not even at Hogwarts, the boats were loaded with leather bags of food and water, Legolas opened a bag and he smiled in delight he drew a substance that looked like shortbread from the bag "Lembas!" He exclaimed "Elvish waybread," he took a small bite out of one of the corner "One small bite is enough to fill the stomach of a grow man," he smiled at Harry and Merry and Pippin who were sat inside one of the boats before he sprinted off to fetch more Lembas.
Pippin looked slightly sick "How many did you eat?" Merry asked suspiciously.
Pippin belched nervously "Four," he said, Harry laughed but hastily changed into a cough when Pippin stared at him.
As the Fellowship filed into the boats, Gimli needed a leg up and Sam did not look to thrilled about getting in them but they did, Celeborn took Aragorn aside from the boats, Harry was intrigued by this so he followed "Every league you travel south, the danger will increase," Celeborn was saying "Mordor Orcs now hold the eastern shore of the Anduin, nor will you find safely on the western bank and strange creatures bearing the White Hand have been seen on our borders, it is seldom that Orcs journey in the open under the sun yet these have done so." Harry saw Celeborn stop suddenly to face Aragorn, he held out a curved, sheathed dagger, Aragorn took it and drew it out of its scabbard it was covered in elvish runes, Aragorn sheathed the blade again "You are being tracked," said Celeborn "By river you have a chance of outrunning the enemy to the Falls of Rauros," he said calmly.
"My gift for you Legolas is a bow of the Galadhrim," said Galadriel "Worthy of the skill of our woodland kin," she smiled when Legolas tested out the ornate bow with an imaginary arrow. For Merry and Pippin she held out two short daggers in beautifully crafted scabbards "These are the daggers of the Noldorin," she said as Merry unsheathed his dagger, it glinted in the sunlight "They have already seen service in war," Harry noticed Pippin look worried and so did Galadriel "Do not fear, young Peregrin Took, you will find your courage."
Galadriel walked over to Sam "And for you, Samwise Gamgee," she said "Elven rope made of Hithline."
Sam looked slightly disappointed at his gift "Thank you my lady," he said, he glanced at the dagger Pippin was holding "But 'ave you ran of of them nice shiny daggers?" Galadriel only smiled before walking over to Gimli.
"And what gift would a dwarf ask of the elves?" She asked Gimli kindly.
"Nothing," said Gimli stiffly "Except to look upon the lady of the Galadhrim one last time, for she is fairer than any jewels of the earth," Galadriel laughed kindly at Gimli's question, Gimli turned muttering to himself before he turned back round again "Actually," he muttered "There was one thing, no, no, I couldn't, it's quite impossible, stupid to ask..."
Gimli was still muttering to himself when Galadriel walked over to Aragorn "I have nothing greater to give, than the gift you already bear," she motioned to Aragorn's silver necklace that he always wore "For her love, I fear that the grace of Arwen Evenstar will diminish," she said.
"I would have her leave these shores," responded Aragorn "and be with her people, I would have her take the ship to Valinor."
"That choice is yet before her," said Galadriel "You have your own choice to make Aragorn, to rise above the height of all your fathers since the days of Elendil, or to fall into darkness with the rest of your kin," Aragorn nodded slightly "Farewell," she said "There is much you have yet to do, we shall not meet again, Ellessar." Galadriel slowly walked over to Frodo "Farewell Frodo Baggins," she said "I give you the light of Eärendil, our most beloved star" she handed Frodo a small crystal phial of glowing, transparent liquid, she kissed him on the forehead "May it be a light for you in dark places, when all other lights go out." Harry straightened up nervously, he was going to be gifted with something next and the last gift "And to you Hadrid Dagorlad I give you the Staff of the Maiar," said Galadriel, she placed in Harry's hand a mahogany staff which was like Gandalf's in height but its crest was different, the crest was shaped like that of a shepherd's crook, it was curved into a hook before it joined back to the staff. Galadriel's voice suddenly magnified as she spoke to Harry in his head "Become who you were born to be, take your place as the one Green Wizard and a great King."
Oars cut through the water of the river as the Fellowship's fleet of boats glided across the surface, Harry saw Galadriel standing on the bank of the river, she raised her hand in a solemn wave, Harry held his Staff nervously which sat next to him in the boat, there was an air of sadness as the rowed down river. "I have taken my worst wound at this parting," murmured Gimli "Having looked my last upon that which is fairest, henceforth I will call nothing fair unless it be her gift to me."
"What was her gift?" Asked Legolas as he rowed.
"I asked her for one hair from her golden head," Harry almost fell out of his boat in shock, the dwarf who said Galadriel was an evil sorceress and know saying she was the fairest of them all, wow "She gave me three," Gimli continued, Harry hastily turned his snigger into a cough.
A few hours later the Fellowship had paddled into a large sky blue lake when they heard howls and shrieks from the forest to the right side of them "Orcs!" Muttered Harry darkly "We're being followed," by the time the Orc howls had faded it was nightfall and the group beached the boats on the river bank and made a rudimentary camp with the supplies the elves had given them. That night Harry was on sentry duty with Boromir and Aragorn, Harry sat on the river bank and rested his chin on his hands, the lake didn't look so welcoming at night, logs and bits of foliage whipped past him in the current and suddenly he saw a pair of hands and the tip of a head gripping a large log and quick rattling breathing "It's Gollum," whispered Harry to the startled look on Boromir's face as he was no more than five meters away "He has been tracking us since Moria."
The log bumped on the opposite riverbank and came to a stop "I hoped we could lose him on the river," said Aragorn, who had materialised behind them and made Harry jump "But he's to clever a waterman."
"And if he alerts the enemy to our whereabouts it will make the crossing even more dangerous," said Boromir.
"He won't alert them," said Harry "Sauron tortured him for information, he just wants the Ring, he needs it in fact and he will stop at nothing to get it back, he is targeting Baginnses, so we must protect Frodo from him."
"Minas Tirith is the safer road," campaigned Boromir "You know that Aragorn, from there we can regroup, strike out for Mordor from a place of strength."
"That's if Mordor doesn't strike first," intervened Harry pessimistically.
"There is no strength in Gondor that can avail us," said Aragorn calmly.
"You were quick enough to trust the elves," said Boromir, and Harry thought he heard a small quaver in his voice "Why have you so little faith in your own people?" Aragorn moved to walk away "Yes there is a weakness, there is frailty, but there is courage also and honour to be found in men, but you will not see that!"
"Remember Isildur!" Shouted Harry jumping in front of Boromir before he could hurt Aragorn "Remember how easily the Ring corrupts, it's a miracle Frodo has lasted this long..." But was cut short when Boromir roughly shoved him out of the way.
"You are afraid!" Accused Boromir "All your life, you have hidden in the shadows! Scared of who you are! Of what you are!"
Aragorn calmly yanked back his shirt that Boromir had taken "I will not lead the Ring within a hundred leaguers to  of your city," said Aragorn quietly before he walked off.
"Remember Isildur!" Called Harry before following Aragorn "The Ring corrupts, you can't wield or gain anything from it!"
The next day the Fellowship paddled upriver and Harry noticed Boromir was eyeing Aragorn dangerously the whole way "Whoa!" Yelled Harry in awe as the four little boats passed under two enormous statues of men towered above them, each wearing crowns and had one hand hand out in front of them as if to say stop.
"The Agonath," said Aragorn also in awe of the statues "Long have I desired to look upon the kings of old, my kin."
The Fellowship each took turns gawking at the statues, each toe was at least bigger than any one of the boats, and once they had passed the statues the river once again opened up into an even larger lake, which Harry saw ended in a very steep waterfall they beached the boats and unloaded them on the shore.
Sorry for the shortish chapter and I won't be able to update, for about a week and a half as I am going on holiday.

Harry Potter and the Fellowship of the Ring (HP and LotR Crossover) Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now