Chapter 1

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Bella P.O.V

My name is Isabella Marie Swan, but I prefer to be called Bella or Izzy. I live in Forks with my father Charlie, the Police Chief. I moved here around 8 months ago from Phoenix where I lived with my mother Renee. Charlie and Renee split when I was 6 months old, and Renee took me with her. I visited with Charlie every summer up until I turned 11.

I needed a change, thats why I moved here. My mother can be a complete idiot sometimes. I have been her parent since I was six years old. I had to learn how to cook, clean and pay the bills before I turned 8, otherwise we would have been homeless and starving.

I had to learn how to drive at the age of 11, which Charlie does not know about. That was why I stopped visiting him, I was scared he'd find out somehow. Renee liked to drink, so I had to go pick her up from bars at least once a week.

I got my first job at the age of 14, with a friend of Renees. I worked up until I was 16, when Renee met her now husband Phil. He's a really cool guy, even if he is 10 years younger than her. They got married after I turned 17. He took over the responsibility of taking care of Renee after they were married.

Phil is a minor league baseball player, and makes pretty good money. He spoiled me, to make up for my lost childhood. He bought me a black Jeep SRT and a red and black ducati. They are my babies. He also gave me a black card to use whenever and for whatever I want.

When I moved to Forks, I decided to start fresh. I left my babies in a storage locker, in Port Angeles and let Charlie buy me a rusted red truck from his best friend Billy Black. I named it 'the red beast' and I absolutely loathe it.

I decided to also change my personality. Normally I am outgoing and sarcastic, but I pretend to be introverted and shy. I am also really good at sports, but pretend to be an absolute klutz.

I don't know why I decided to pretend to be someone else, but it is very hard to keep up the act. Especially after I met the Cullens. I knew they were vampires from the moment I saw them. I know the Quileute legends and have always believed the stories, now more than ever.

Charlie is full Quileute, but doesn't live on the reservation. He bought our little house in Forks after him and mom married because she didn't want to live on the reservation. I'm not really sure why he didn't move back after she left him, but I'm guessing it has something to do with him still loving her and the memories in the the house.

Anyways I knew right away what the Cullens were, but pretended I didnt. I ended up falling in like with Edward Cullen when I decided to spy on them. I used Edward to get closer to the family and I am still currently dating him. And yes, I said in like. He thinks I love him, but I dont. Hell I don't even know if I consider us a couple. He refuses to touch me other than holding my hand and giving me chaste kisses. He says it's for my safety, because I'm his "singer" , which means he craves my blood more than any other human beings blood.

All of the Cullens hunt animals, because they don't want to be monsters. Which is admirable, at least to me.

Since I met Edward I have let him control everything, no matter how much I didn't want too. He won't let me go onto the reservation, because he can't go on it. I do actually go, when he is hunting. I fell out of like with him awhile ago. I stayed with him because of his family.

His sister Alice has also been controlling me. I am her Bella barbie, because she hates my clothes. I also changed my wardrobe when I got here. If she saw how I really dress, she would know that I do in fact have a great fashion sense.

Oh and I forgot to mention Edward has the ability to read minds, except for mine which is very helpful. Alice can see the future, not mine thank god, and her husband Jasper can sense and alter emotions. Jaspers gift is amazing.

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