Chapter 19

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It took us all of a half hour to get everything inside. Sam and Paul went upstairs to put my father's things in his room. Emmett, Jasper and Rose took the jeeps to the Cullens to get their stuff, while the girls helped me unpack the kitchen stuff. Embry, Quil, Jared, Jake and Peter were setting up the livingroom, while Char put away the bathroom stuff.

We are making tacos for dinner, of course making enough to feed an army. Leah ran to the store for me while we were unpacking. Peter and Char said they would go shopping for Charlie tomorrow. Peters knower told him Charlies favorite food, and Char is actually a wonderful cook for someone that doesn't eat.

Rose, Emmett and Jasper had just finished bringing all their things in, and they were now setting up their rooms. Peter and Char had taken my jeep to get some things for their room. They were also getting Charlie a surprise, which I knew was going to be a motorcycle similar to mine. He has always wanted one, he just never could afford a good one.

"So Bells you sure it would be ok if Jake and I stayed with you and Paul?" Angela asked.

I smiled as I turned off the stove, the meat for tacos was done. "Of course Angie. I would love to have you there." I said somewhat honestly. If they moved in, we would have no privacy.

She grinned evilly "we can plan evil things to do all night long."

I laughed "we sure can." I agreed. Oh Emmett and Peter better watch out. I think I found my perfect pranking buddy.

I heard Jasper laugh from upstairs "Oh I'm so glad I'm not on your ladies bad side."

I heard Rose giggle when she figured out the hidden message behind his words. Jasper, Char and Rose had never been on my bad side, but Emmett and Peter have. I told Emmett he wouldn't like being on my bad side before I put spiders in his backpack.

"Oh I'm going to be so happy here." Rose sighed happily.

"What are you both going on about? What about Bellas bad side and you being happy here Rosie.........oh." Emmett said nervously after he put two and two together.

Angela, Emily, Kim, Leah and I burst out laughing, when I told them what he said. "I think you should teach us some things Bells." Emily said smirking.

"Yea then we can help." Kim said smiling.

"Oh crap." I heard Sam grumble from Charlies room.

I smiled evilly. "We are going to have so much fun together ladies." Sam, Jake and Jared all groaned, while Paul and Jasper snickered.

I saw something move out of the corner of my eye, I turned towards the fridge and saw a spider crawling up it. I smiled thinking of something embarassing to do to Emmett.

I grabbed my phone and typed out a quick message before showing it to the girls.

You guys want to see what happens when Emmett sees a spider?

They all read it and nodded enthusiastically. Angela grabbed my phone from me and typed out another message.

We will distract him and you put it on him. I have the perfect distraction. Tell me out loud that Jake and I are not allowed to have sex until I'm 18.

She handed me my phone and I giggled. The other girls also giggled when they read it. That really was perfect. It would completely fluster Emmett to talk about his little sisters sex life.

"So when should we move in?" Angela asked smiling.

I grinned "whenever you want after your 18. Oh and no sexytime with Jake until after your 18 missy." I said.

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