On the show

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My P.O.V.
They started with a song What I Like About You. They were so awesome. And the best part is that I was on the side where was Michael!!! I screamed the entire song. I shouted Michael's name and he looked at me like this  . I cannot believe!!! Michael Clifford was looking at one minute (mybe 2)!!! I was so happy that I cried!!! -Don't cry please.- he said to me. I was sprechless and I stopped crying just because of him. It was the best moment of my life!!!! After that song I saw that Michael gone but he came back again. I taught that he's sick or something. Mikey don't scare me like that anymore!

Michael's P.O.V.
We came out on stage to rock out. I said "This is another show Michael. You'll survive." When we started to play there were so much screaming and I was so tierd, but I continute playing. The audience was on fire. After a while I saw her. The girl that was right in front of me in an audience. She was so beautiful like I was dreaming. She shouted my name a twice. When I saw her, she started to crying. Typical thing. I came to the microphone and said:-Don't cry please!- She was so happy and stopped crying. After we finished song, I ran to the body guard and tell him that he took a photo of that girl in the audience and find her. I hope that she's going on meet and greet.
My P.O.V.
The show was over and I was going home to get ready for meet and greet. The best show ever!!! I waited outside for Shabi cuz' she was on the side of the area where was Luke. Shabi, get out quickly!!! I waited in front of the area 15 minutes and I started to worry. After a while I saw one body guard who was looking at me. I came to him and asked did he saw my friend. -No, I didn't see her, but wait a second.- he said and he looked a little on some photograph and then again at me. I was confused. -You should come with me. I will send one guardian who will find your friend and she'll be sent on the same place as you will be there.- he said to me. -But, where are we going now? To police!???- I said frighteningly. -Don't worry, you're not going to police. Just follow me.- he said. I decide to believe him. I followed him. I was very confused. I hope that this is not some kind of a joke. -Sir, are you sure that you'll find my friend Shabi?- I said. -Don't worry, I sent the security to find her.- he said. After a long walking, we were in a backstage. I saw Shabi there. I was so happy when I saw her. We hugged each other and she held my hand and she took me in a strange room. It was dark. I saw a shadow in front of me. It looks like a guy. Shabi turned the lights on and I saw Michael in front of me!!! I didn't say any words. When I saw him I was so quiet cuz' Michael Clifford is finally here!!! In front of me!!! -Hi Doris, I saw you in the crowd and I say to myself I need to meet you cuz' you are such a beautiful.- he said. -How do you know my name?!- I said. -Well Shabi tell me cuz' she has lost in a crowd so the guardians took her here in backstage. She also tell me that you really like me.- he said and also Shabi I don't like him, I looooovvveeee him more than anyone. -Oh, does she tells you that she really likes Luke?- I said him and he called Luke.
Throwback on the stage
Shabi's P.O.V.
When I came in area, I ran to the first line, right in front of Luke. They played What I Like About You. I love that song. I screamed so loud that Luke can hear me right to the stage. He looked so awesome. . I called him, but he didn't hear me. I took the transparent of the one girl up. It was written "I Love You Luke". He finally saw him. I started to cry a little bit. -I love you too!- he said to me and he show me a heart!!! . I was so happy and I continute to sing the words of the song.

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