Park Time!!

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It took awhile for me to fully awake up. When I did i looked outside and noticed how beautiful it was outside. Think over if I had work today or not i remembered I have a free day today.

Maybe i should take LeAnn and Avery to the park to take pictures, we haven't took pictures in the park for awhile now.

I run into the living room to see my two best friends sitting on the couch while watching Adventure Time. Our favorite show in the entire world!!

i jump on top of them, making them groan in pain.

"God you have a fat ass Dani!" Ave said while laughing.

"Girl you know you love my fine ass!" I rub it while smirking. 

"Anyways I was wondering if you two would want to go to the park and take pictures there."

They both squeal excitedly, throwing me off of them they run upstairs.

So um I'll take that as a yes.

With that thought in my mind I run up to my room.

Hmm. What do I feel like wearing?

Sundress? Nah.

Skirt? Maybe. I'll pull my white flowy one just in case.

Short shorts? Maybe. I'll pull out my denim one with two rips.

Hmm. Now for a shirt.

Sleeveless? Hell nah! LeAnn would never let me.

Note LeAnn acts like our mom, which sometimes I'm thankful for but sometimes she's to over protective.

Tank top? Nah.

I'll go with short sleeves.

I picked out my favorite shirt, it's black and in white lettering it say 'Wild Child' and my denim shorts with my favorite gray vans.

After changing I run to my bathroom brush my hair and teeth, and put my usual amount of make-up on. Grabbing my purse, camera, camera bag, phone and some money I run downstairs to see Le and Ave already at the door bouncing with anticipation.

Chuckling to myself while shaking my head we head out to my car and head to the park.

The while ride there we listen to One Direction. LeAnn is obsessed with them! She always listen to them, her walls are covered with posters of them, and a lot of things that have One Direction on it.

When we finally get to the park we all run to the play ground. Looking around I see an adorable little baby playing in the sand box. She's so adorable I need a picture of her!!

Running up to her, I pull out my camera and turn it on. I point it at her right before I take the picture she put a small bucket on top of her head.

"Oh my gosh! You are the cutest thing I have ever seen!" I squeal while taking a picture of her. Looking at it something in the back catches my eye, looking back up I see the same person just staring at me. Staring back at him I slowly start to stand back up. I was about to take a step towards him when I hear Le and Ave yell for me.

Turning around to them I see the worried looks on their faces, they were still standing by the play ground. I jog back over to them still holding my camera.

"Yea?" I look back down at the picture i just took. 

"Are you okay? Why were you staring at that cute guy?" I just shrug my shoulders not knowing what to say.

"Let's just start taking pictures, shall we?" they both jump up and down excited. Laughing i take them to the play ground to take pictures.

*Stranger's POV*  


She's beautiful! Her bright red hair, those alluring blue eyes, pale soft looking skin.

I walk over to Lux and pick her up to clean her of the sand, chucking I look back up to see her with her two friends taking pictures, laughing and messing around.

I going back to Lux and start to tickle her, hearing her giggle makes me smile. Me and the lads love Lux she's the most adorable baby we've ever seen. I start making funny faces making Lux giggle even more. For some reason I want to be in one of her photos.

 I look back up to see her walking around taking pictures of her friends messing around on the slide, monkey bars and around trees. I laugh at how one of her friends acts like a little kid, she seems like the girl version of Louis. I chuckle at that thought.

I pick Lux up to take her to the baby swings, placing her in a swing I start to push her. I barely push her so she doesn't go very high, but she still giggles. Not paying any attention I didn't notice that one girl taking pictures of me and Lux.

After awhile Lux starts to fall asleep, I pick her up and start to head for the car. I lay Lux in her carrier in the back seat of my car and strap her in. closing the door I hear someone yell from behind me "Excuse me! Sir! You left you baby blanket!" turning around I see the red headed girl running towards me holding Lux's favorite baby blanket. Bloody hell if I had forgotten her blanket Louie would have killed me!!

"Bloody hell! Thank you so much! I would have been strangled if I had lost this!" I run my hands through my hair.

Once she makes it to me she stops in her tracks. "Hey! You're Niall from One Direction." Oh no! she's a fan!

"Um yeah but can you please not  flip? I don't want to be mobbed my fans." I nervously chuckle and run my hand through my hair again. She seems to snap out of the trance she was in and answer back.

"Oh! of course not! I mean some of your fans are super crazy!" she starts to giggle at that and all i can do is smile.

"Thanks..." I trail off not knowing her name.

"Oh! I'm Dani!" she holds her hand out for me to shake. I shake her hand while joking around I say "And of course you know who I am" she giggles and says back "Well who wouldn't? You're Niall Horan."

I thought it was weird when she didn't add the '1/5 of One Direction. So I ask "Why didn't you say 'You're Niall Horan, 1/5 of One Direction?" she blushes and looks down at her feet. "Well I don't label people on what they do. To me you're just Niall Horan." she glances up at me and shyly smiles.

Out of nowhere her two friends yell to her that they should get going. for some reason I wanted to see her again, get to know her.

She gives me Lux's blanket, smiling she turns to leave. "Wait!" I accidently yell. When she turns back around to face me I blush, looking down at my feet I rub the back of my neck. "Would you want to talk some more? Maybe hang out?" she smiles and turns to me, reaching into her purse she pulls out a pen, grabs my hand and writes something on my hand. She quickly turns and runs to her friends and leave.

Looking down at my hand I see

'Text me when you wanna hang :)

562-2558 xoxo'

Smiling I got into my car and drove back to the hotel me and the lads are staying at.


A/N- So tell me if you like this new chapter. I didn't really like that last one. I thought it was to boring and Dani and Niall were going way to fast! If you want to know who was the one to cough comment!

Please tell people about me! This is my first book being posted! I want to know what people think!

So please comment, like, share or vote!! Thanks!

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