Part 9

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Sam's POV

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I was really excited to see Michael again today. I couldn't stop thinking about him all day Sunday, I was even so happy I let my wolf out and went for a nice long run. It was very freeing, and I loved letting my mind and body run free. But I was back in school today with my mate in such close proximity but not able to go to him just yet. Maybe I can go talk to him towards the end of lunch. I was currently with Hunter and Angel, only one of which knew about the whole Michael situation, but I planned on telling Angel after school or something. We were talking about pack stuff but the electricity from feeling Michael near was too distracting. I could also feel the stares of Alicia's friends as they comforted her from a few tables away.

I was planning on getting up and going to see Michael when the shouting started. I looked over to see it was Michael's blue haired friend, Bailey. Why was she shouting at him? Michael and Rider looked like they were trying to calm her down, but she only kept getting angrier and louder. I was going to go intervene, upset she was yelling at my mate, when I heard something that changed so many things. "How the fuck should I know? You seem to hurt a lot of people who are around you, huh? I'm so sorry being gay is so hard for you but the world doesn't revolve around you!"

The cafeteria went silent as they looked at the source of the yelling and my heart was torn between anger and joy. Anger because the look on Michael's face was that of utter betrayal and hurt. He tore out of the cafeteria and I wanted nothing more than to go after him. To comfort him and let him know everything would be okay, that I was here for him. I also wanted nothing more than to rip the head of his so called friend who was now sitting in her chair crying with her face in her hands. But a part of me felt joy. Joy because my mate was gay, confirmed gay and I had even more of a chance that he will accept me. I looked at Hunter and Angel who were slightly confused but I could also see their concern. "I hope he's okay." Hunter said simply. He looked at me and I knew with that look he was also feeling a lot of things I probably was. Anger at the situation of him being hurt, but also joy because I had a chance with my mate.

I took a breath and nodded. "I'm gonna go check on him." I started getting up. I could hear some of the things people were saying. Lucky not many of them were rude. Some even sounded sorry for him.

"Why?" Angel asked, confused by my actions. That's understandable. I guess this is the best way to tell him.

"I need to make sure my mate is okay." I offered a small smile as the look of shock and confusion crossed him face. I didn't stay long enough to explain myself as I made my way casually out of the cafeteria and soon found Michael's scent and went after it as quickly as I could. Please be okay, please be okay. I don't even care how weird it might be, I just wanted to comfort him and hold him. He needs to know that it's going to be okay.

I followed his scent into the forest by the school and quietly made my way in, not wanting to scare him. His scent got stronger and I knew I was close. The sweet smell of watermelons was quickly cut off with a rotten sulfuric smell. I knew that smell and it terrified me that it was so close to that of my mate's. I growled lowly and got closer to the mixed smells and had to keep myself from running out of my hiding spot when I spotted the giant Outlaw scenting my mate. My wolf burned with rage and was trying as hard as he could to take over, to protect our mate, to mark him and show who he belonged to. But I wasn't going to risk Michael's life like that. Though it was very confusing why the wolf was simply scenting him, rather than attacking.

Outlaws have no sense of dignity and often attack anything they see for sport or food, whether it be an animal or human. They're vial creatures that need to be put down. But why was this one so keen on Michael? What did he see in him that kept him from attacking? Whatever it was it wasn't good. The wolf must have caught my scent because it quickly ran back into the woods, leaving Michael there, shaking and confused.

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