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A sharp snap and the sound of my own cry was the only indication I got that I was having my first shift. The pain of feeling both my shoulders pop out of their sockets was when I began to cry. I felt as if I was on fire and my already injured body was not sure how much more it could take. I breathed heavily as my bones broke one by one, the pain was excruciating. And the timing was the absolute worst.  I should be joyful that I was even shifting as I was a late bloomer and was told many times I was too weak and useless to be able to shift. Most shift at 16 and find their mate at 17 but I am currently 18, only just having my first shift and have no mate to speak of. There were a few theories why people bloomed late but I am pretty sure none of them are to do with me as I am only a lowly Omega according to my Pack. I was finally escaping the hell I had been living in since I was 10 but just as I reached the boarder of Blood Moon's territory the shift begun to my horror.

"Anastasia!" roared a familiar voice that had me dreading the outcome. Weakly turning my head left I saw Beta Robert charging my way. Six warrior wolves on his heels. He was currently in his human form though his eyes were pitch black and his body shaking from unwavering rage. This was it. I failed. He was going to beat me to oblivion before dragging me back to the monster known as Alpha Brandon who was also my Uncle, my father's twin brother. There I would be beaten again and if I survived that, thrown into one of the cells reserved for rouges, bound in silver, lashed and then left to starve for two weeks. You may ask how I know that, well it wouldn't be the first time.

This had all started when my father, Alpha Anthony and my mother, Alexandra, Luna of our pack were killed on their way back from the meeting of the Alpha's by rouges. Because my brother was not of age to become Alpha as he had yet to shift my Uncle won by default. The first thing he did was name me the packs Omega, a 10 year old girl. My brother was mortified but could do nothing as he was the same age as me. He wasn't just my older brother, but my older twin brother. He protected me when he could and he was the only person I had left that didn't hate me. My Uncle had managed to turn everyone against me. My father was always so kind, strong and loyal to his pack and everyone loved him but when Uncle came into power he blamed me, a 10 year old girl for the death of the packs beloved Alpha and Luna and they all turned on me. 

Dimitri didn't believe the lies and stayed with me. Protected me. Healed my wounds and most importantly loved me. But two years ago I was suddenly brought into Uncles office. I still remember clearly the glee in his eyes and the smug smirk across his face. It was there that he had told me that Dimitri, my hero, had left. No note. No goodbye. Nothing. My world came crumbling down that day.

But it was Dimitri in the end that gave me the courage to leave. They had all lied to me and for that it was unforgivable. I had been walking past my Uncle's study when I heard Beta Robert mention my brother laughing. I had frozen on the spot and listened. What I heard had me boiling in rage, it might be the reason I was shifting. My brother had not abandoned me, no. He had been kicked out of the territory and threatened that if he ever stepped foot back in it they would kill me. With that I took off running, leaving everything behind. My goal: the boarder and from there find Dimitri.

"Anastasia! You worthless bitch, how dare you try and leave!" screamed Beta Robert. I cringed as he kicked the side of my now wolf stomach. I jumped up still slightly woozy from the shift and growled lowly at him. I was not going to give up. I was going to leave and find Dimitri. I was not going to let them abuse me anymore, I deserved better. 

'Leave me alone!' I screamed through the pack link the fury and long forgotten alpha gene echoed through it that had the beta and his posse of warrior wolves flinching slightly. A few of the wolves even ducking their head in submission which took me by surprise. I took measured steps back getting ready to flee but to my dismay Robert suddenly charged, mid-air turning into a large grey wolf. I yelped as he clutched onto my shoulder with his sharp pearly white  teeth my blood flowing into his mouth. He threw me towards the right and I almost cheered in pure joy even if I was in extreme pain. I landed only a meter away from the boarder. So before Robert could attack me again I dashed for it ignoring the pain in my shoulder though as this was my chance to escape and I wasn't taking it for granted. Just as I was through Beta Robert howled in outrage but I didn't stop. I just ran as fast as I could, not turning back. I would find Dimitri and I would be free.

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