Chapter Three: Alec's Son and Mate

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Chapter Three: Alec's Son and Mate


"Anastasia" I replied my eyes showing my confusion at his confused state. He seemed to clear he throat again and shake his head to get rid of the jumbled thoughts no doubt.

"You wouldn't happen to have a brother, would you?" he asked softly as if he was dreading my response. I took in a short intake of breath and eyed him carefully. He couldn't possibly know Dimitri, could he?

"Yes, my twin brother Dimitri..." I replied warily. Alec's face paled even more in shock and horror as he moved even closer to the bars.

"Your brother... He is part of our pack... He's the Alpha's sister's mate..."

"Di-Dimitri is here?" I gasp in shock as I watched Alec begin to pace back and forwards from behind the bars. I was so excited that my brother was here but also shocked that he was so close to me all this time. After all this was only the neighboring pack to Blood Moon.

"Yes and he's going to be pissed" Alec mumbled more to himself then to me as he ran a hand through his raven hair. I could tell that he and my brother were close by the way he knew my name and how he recognized me immediately. My eyes welled up with tears as I tried to blink them back at the thought of my brother having a good friend like Alec and also a mate. I couldn't imagine a better mate for him than the sister of the alpha. I just hope that the alpha didn't give him too much trouble when he stated his intentions. My brother had always wanted a mate from the time he was 10 when we learned about mates. I knew he would make a good mate with his caring, passionate but protective nature.

I just wish I could tell him I was here. I hoped that I could see Dimitri before the alpha came and killed me for being a rouge. Maybe they would even just let me go but that was very unlikely. I had heard the rumors that they were very strict on rouges and almost always killed them. This was the Golden Sun Pack after all. I could tell my their scent. Each pack had a slight tinge to their own scent which stated what pack they were from. I remembered when I was 6 my mother, father, Dimitri and myself had to come to Golden Sun territory for an alpha meeting and that is why I recognized the scent immediately. I felt so close to Dimitri yet so far.

"W-Where is he? Why does he let Trent treat you like this?" I asked in confusion my eyebrows scrunched together, I knew from even a young age that Dimitri was always one to protect the weak and innocent. It wasn't in his nature to let someone walked all over him and watch people hurt other people that didn't deserve it. Alec just seemed to sigh as he continued to pace his hand clenched into fists.

"He's on constant boarder control because the alpha and beta are away, he doesn't know about any of this as his mate is also with him. He is my best friends and I am also his second in command in the pack warriors that's how I recognized you. He talks about you all the time but there was always sadness in his eyes as he does" Alec commented as my heart ached at the thought of Dimitri sad. I loved my twin more than anything and I hated the thought of him sad made me hurt.

"He... He was kicked out of our pack for...for protecting me..." I mumbled eyes downcast in shame. It was my fault that they kicked him out and he lost his alpha position. He should be alpha of our old pack, he would make a great leader.

"Hey" Alec called snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up to see him watching me with confused but worried eyes. "It's not your fault, heck if you were my sister I would do the same" I smiled at that but it didn't help the guilt much. I just wish I was stronger so I could of protected myself.

"D-Did you know he was meant to be alpha of our pack... It's all my fault... I didn't even know he was kicked out I just thought he left me... I was so stupid. When I... I found out I finally gained up all my courage and left... I was almost k-killed in the process but I did it" I confessed having no idea why I was sharing my story to a complete stranger. For some reason I felt like I could trust him... Trust this pack, all apart from Trent that is. When those other two brown wolves attacked me I couldn't fight back, I was afraid of hurting them like it would kill me just to hurt them. I could feel my alpha blood begin to stir for the first time since my parents died.

"You mean you two have alpha blood?" He asked in which I nodded to. Alec seemed completely baffled at that. "Then why would he not try challenge Trent for his position as Delta?" I could easily see the confusion lacing his tone as he sat crossed legged in front of the bars next to mine. I was just happy that I was able to remove the silver collar once I shifted back into my human form as it laid next to me.

"My guess was that he was just trying to keep a low profile, our pack is only the neighboring pack to this one. If they found out he was rising up the ranks in their rival pack they might try to get to your pack through him and me" I mumbled furrowing my eyes in concentration. I knew that if my Uncle had the chance he would try and take these lands and that with me in his pack and Dimitri in this one it would of given him a great opportunity to do so but luckily he did keep a low profile so Uncle never found out.

"That may be" Alec answered thoughtfully his green eyes glazed over in his own thoughts. The sudden creek of the door opening had both me and Alec stiffening. I let out a breath when a small brunette boy came in tears welling in his eyes. He only looked about five years old as he nervously walked into the prison. My heart pulled at the looked on the small boys face. He seemed absolutely panicked and devastated at the same time. As Alec caught sight of the boy he shot up and quickly came to the bars of the front of his prison. I could easily see the worry and concern in his eyes.

"Joshua, what are you doing here?" he asked in a soft but firm tone. The little boy quickly ran up to the bars tears sliding down his cheeks. I immediately noticed his green eyes that mirrored Alec's and realized that Joshua was Alec's son that Trent had talked about. Just that thought made me want to snarl, how could that man threaten to separate a young boy from his father.

"Daddy! Mommy is giving birth and they said there were having com-plic-ations" Joshua said trying to pronounce the last word properly. Alec turned pale and he howled his wolf taking over. Alec's body begun to shake and his eyes turned pure black. I could hear the crunching of bones and knew I needed to get Joshua away from his father quickly.

"Joshua sweetheart, get away from the bars now so daddy's wolf doesn't accidentally hurt you okay?" I say softly my eyes shining with concern. Joshua turned to me but did as asked moving towards my cell, he looked at me in scrutiny his eyes furrowed in confusion.

"Y-You look like Uncle Dimitri" he stated sniffling his eyes shining curiosity. I smiled softly at him trying to keep his mind off his father who was slamming into the metal bars. They weren't silver but they were solid and it would take someone with alpha blood to break through them.

"That's because I am his little sister. Now sweetheart tell me what the doctor said?" I asked as soothingly as possible trying to calm the small boy down. Fresh tears fell from Joshua's eyes and I felt sorry for the small boy.

"They... They said that she was bleeding too much..." he said sniffling again. I sighed and I knew exactly what to do. She needed a female with alpha blood in the room. It seemed she was weak from the birth and her wolf was not healing her at a fast enough pace. She needed someone female to unleash their aura. It had to be someone of alpha blood or the packs Luna. This helped the healing process immediately and with the help of the pack doctor she would be fine within a few minutes. I knew that I would have to do this and it could possibly cost me my life but this sweet little boy and Alec needed her. Decision made my eyes filled with determination. I had finally shifted and my alpha blood was now awakened, I would help this woman even if it killed me which most likely it would. But for Joshua and Alec's sake I would do it.

"Stand by the door Joshua" I ordered. He quickly obliged and I took off my shirt before shifting into my wolf. It was now natural and didn't hurt. It was always the first time that it hurt but after that it wasn't painful at all. Using all my power that I never knew I rammed at the bars using my body weight. It sent me straight through the bars and quickly put Alec's shirt back on not wanting to expose myself to a five year old. I turned to Alec who was finally beginning to calm down his eyes shifting quickly from black to green.

"I promise I'll do everything I can for your mate and pups Alec" I stated firmly before running out of the prison Joshua's hand grasped firmly in mine.

Okay well this is chapter three and my first authors not wooh! I have to say this is my first ever werewolf story and I hope you guys like it! Please feel free to leave comments as I would love to know how I am going.


Kayly95 xxx

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2015 ⏰

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