You are boarding your flight to go to PAX South in San Antonio. You lift your carry-on above your head and rest it down on the shelf. You sit down to check if your new recording camera is ok, you look up and notice that your favourite YouTuber, Markiplier, is walking down the aisle, he stops at you. You try not to notice as he lifts his muscular arms above his head to put his carry-on onto the shelf. He sits next to you, and you start to have a small panic attack, you hyperventilate, he suddenly asks if you are ok? But you say that your fine, and that you just don't really like flying. He asks for your name, "Y/N" you say "what a beautiful name, much like your face." You blush while saying "thank you." He asks where you are headed, you say that you are going to PAX South, he immediately replies "oh really?! I'm heading there too!" After he says that he offers you a ride in the taxi with him. You say "sure I'd love to!" After a while of flying you fall asleep accidentally leaning your tired head on his shoulder, he doesn't seem to mind, he just puts his arm around your neck with strong but gentle arms. The plane starts to get pulled to the ground and you wake up. You feel his arm wrapped around your neck and you sit up, apologising for leaning on his shoulder. He said that it was ok and that he didn't mind. The plane finally comes to rest on the runway, you get up and grab your bag. Mark tells you to follow him, so you do, you check out of the airport staying close to your new friend. The taxi for the both of you arrives and you hop in. After a short car trip you arrive at the hotel that Mark is staying at, and you are coveniately staying at the same hotel! You walk in together and ask for the keys to separate rooms (since you had already booked a room). You leave Mark's side and unlock your room door. You walk in and collapse onto the bed breathing heavily. You get up and walk over to the shower, and jump in, you only have a quick shower then you snuggle under the warm bed sheets. You see what's on TV although there wasn't much since it was around 11:43 pm, so you decided to watch a few of Mark's videos still unable to believe that you just met him and that he said you were beautiful...
You wake up the next morning and have a very fast shower because you were so excited to go to PAX with Mark. You put on your favourite Markiplier shirt with a pair of skinny jeans. You walk downstairs to Mark's room and knock on the door. Mark answers a short time later, you look at him and notice that he doesn't have a shirt on. You hesitate and ask him if he wants you to come back later, but he refused. He said "just let me put a shirt on and brush my teeth, then we can go." Mark calls for a taxi on his phone while you are walking along side him to the entrance of the hotel. After about five minutes the taxi arrives, Mark opens the door and says "ladies first" waving his hand towards the car, you immediately reply and say "thank you, your such a gentleman!" You both arrive at the PAX entry and you say "thanks for everything, but I guess this is goodbye now, we should keep in touch." He instantly says "you can stay and hang out with me if you want, you could meet Bob and Wade and all my fans!" You reply "that's the thing, I am one of your fans, and I thought that you would never want to become so close to a fan." He says in a very comforting voice "I said that I wanted to know every eight million fans on an individual level, but I know I can't do that, and your... Special... I love all my fans don't get me wrong but... I think that you and I could... You know, go quite far if we stick together." You blush and chuckle "aw Mark of course I'll stay with you, I just don't want to make all the fan girls jealous." He smiles and hugs you, you hug him back. You walk into PAX and stop at his desk, you see a massive Markiplier poster behind it. You smile thinking how happy and grateful you are to be here and to be with Mark. You smile even more knowing that Mark cares about you. But you think to yourself, "what if you hadn't decided to go to San Antonio? You might have lost your chance to meet Mark and realise that you really care about him, maybe even love him a little more than you should." But you just push that aside thinking about all the other constellations going through your head. Mark says to you that he has a live stream and that he would like to introduce you to everybody. You walk to the huge stage and watch Mark walk onto it, fearless. He gets through his speech like a flash of lightning and says "I'd like to introduce to you my..."
What do you think Mark is going to say?
Be sure to read part two!