Eight Hundred - Miku Hatsune

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Ev'rything that I am about to tell you right now
is eight hun-der-ed percent true.
I know that sugar's really salty
and salt is too sugary for my tastes.

The sweaty season for all is the Winter-time,
and Summer has always been a freezing one.
The smiling whales swim in the dark, starry sky,
diving through the eternal rainbow that will never lose glow.

You know, I hate everything about you,
and I never want you to be seen with me ever.
Now I can forget you in a heartbeat;
now there is nothing memora-ble about you.

I believe that all gods and goddesses exist,
and that all six-point-five billion dreams will all come true.
Next, conflict will be erased and will never come back again;
Then ev'ryone can smile carefreely and eternally.

And although that I hate you right down to the core,
it's nice to know that you are full of life and still breathing...

Full of life and still breathing...

Ev'rything that I am about to tell you right now
is still eight hundred percent true
The gods grant ev'ryone immortality,
and no one has any regrets or sins in their life.

You know, I still hate ev'rything about you
right down to your stomach growling; it's idiotic.
If you are not sleepy, you will just sleep again;
If you are sick or weary, then you will wake up.

The sun rises in the west and sets in the east,
and always remember that rabbits live on the moon.
Happiness will never disappear and will always live on
and everybody on this great Earth is a good person.

And although that I hate you right down to the core,
it's nice to know that I can meet you anytime I want...

I can meet you anytime that I want...

Ev'rything that I have said to you up to this point
Is eight hun-der-ed percent false.
So I want you to ignore it all...
Please, I beg of you to ignore it all...

All gods and goddesses are fake; they don't exist,
nearly all the dreams people wish on stars will crumble.
Next, strife will go on and come back to haunt ev'ryone again,
and ev'ryone sees when the end is coming for their heads.

And although that I love ev'rything about you,
I wanted you to be with me until the ends of time...

There is you who just disappeared from out of this world;
and then there is me who is the liar...
and then there is me who is the liar...

Ev'rything that I have said to you up to this point
may be true or false; I don't know...
You know, in this wonderful world of ours we have;
I want a part of you to live on here...

I want a part of you to live on here...


*Note: When you see "ev'ry", just say it like you would normally say "every". When you see "every", then say it like "ev-er-y" instead of "every".


Lyrics: Karu Ace❤
Inspiration: JubyPhonic and Memorii Makiko
These lyrics are for your use. If you use them, please consider sending them to Karu via DMs. If it is a personal cover only for the eyes of someone else, he will respect your choices. 

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