Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: First Kill....Or Is It?

Hey I'm.....well I have nothing to say for a authors note right here and I reallyy hate them to so I'm... yea have a nice time reading!!!

(Alice's POV.)

       "'s a pwetty cowor...isn't it?"

  I ask the two beat up and heavily bleeding men that are tied to there chairs in a basement. I walked over to the one on the right a knife in my left hand. The sound of small little feet paddlingoff the concrete floor. I stop in front of him my face emotionless my long black hair stained by blood framed my face, as I rase the knife up then bringing it down stabbing his leg deeply. His screams blocked by the tape on his mouth , as I dragged the knife across stabbing him repeatedly.

"Hmm? I'm sowwy what was dat?" I only heard the mumbles of the two men probably pleading for me to not kill them after I stopped. "…nope you won't be able to get it off dats the type of tape dat never stops being sticky!" I giggle softly. "Plus I put glue on it just to make sure it stays on. Awent (aren't ).I smert! (Smart! )"

       I faintly heard sirens in the distance. Frowning I pull out my pistol aiming it at there heads.

"It seems ower fum is over... bye bye~"

       'Hehe they thought they could get out of this.' I pull the trigger shooting twice killing both of them, there blood splattered on my white dress and shoes, dyeing them a crimson red. My sadistic smile being the last thing they see in there pathetic life's. I quickly pack my weapons in my bag after quickly wrapping them in plastic. Running out the basement door into the woods, finding a place to clean the blood off of my self.

♬♪♩Five Minute Time Skipu~♬♪♩

Finding a lake I quickly washed myself changing into a dress (picture above) and wash the white dress with some bleach making it a clean pure white again. I stuff the dress in my bag then hput my head in the lake water getting the blood out. Drying my hair I head off into a different part of this big but small town.


When I reach the town I comb my hair into two small pigtails with the back down but leave my bangs in front of my eyes.(picture above again lol) As i walk the streets I keep my head down watching where I am going so I don't step on something, (Really I got into the habit of doing that sense the last time when I didn't I stepped in gum.) or if someone recognizes me from killing. 'Wait no ones ever escaped  from me so what's the problem hehe.' As I was lost In thought smirking evily i bumbed into a man and stumbled back falling on my ass. 'owey Shit that hert'

"Oh my I'm sorry! Poppet are you OK?"

    I look up and See a man with strawberry blonde hair and blueish pink eyes, kneeling in front of me. My eyes widened as I saw this man. He held his hand out to me and I held onto it.

Oliver's POV:▩▩▩

    I was on my way to my bakery when I little girl with long back hair walked into me. She fell on her bum, it must have hurt because she had small tears in her eyes. Feeling guilty I kneeled down in front of her and asked if she was alright. She stared up at me before taking my hand standing up with me. She was small for what seemed like she was 6?
Her form was really thin and fragile like she could break at the slightest touch.
Suddenly her grip on my hand tightened when I was about to walk away. I looked down at her and heard her mumble something to me.

2!P F.A.C.E. X CHILD OCWhere stories live. Discover now