Flirt Back!

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I walked real close to Roc, my mouth by his ear.

"In.Your.Dreams.Curly,"I whispered in his ear then stepped back slowly.

Roc looked shocked but recovered quickly. "Yea... My wet dreams Ma," I scoffed at his comment and glared at him. And somehow he pulled me by my waist to him, our body inches apart.

"Niggah slow ya roll," I managed to wiggle out of his grasp and stand back", For i might rethink about invited to my party"

" Wateva Ma," he came closer ", You know u can't resist me"

"No Niggah I can't resist bacon!

"Okay! All I know is you better be ready when I wanna dance" I laughed at him.

"Get in line babe,"I went into the now opened elevator and press the hold door open button", Remember I'm the head twerker"

"I'll never forget it"

I laughed and pressed the button that said 13. " Byeee, Curly" I waved.

When I got into my room I got dressed in this fly outfit and went to Amaiya room.

"Daayyumm! Pigtails gonna have a real good view mane," I gave Maiya my best 'Shawty-Fine-Better-Than-A-Dime' look.

"Ha! Wateva Ho. Curly ain't gone see nothing wrong with a little bump and grind when he see you!" My joked.

Outfits on the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

"Yea I know. But let's go get Dariana and Lyric. I can't wait to see Dariana wearing to impress big booty Judy!"

Amaiya bust out laughing and immediately stop when she was staring at the end of the hallway. I followed her gaze and I saw pig tails leaning on I guess his room door on his phone. Dayum She sprung! ;) (Lmao insider)

"Well go talk to him,"I shoved her ahead of me.

Amaiya P.O.V

I took Zhar'Ria advice and walked up to the fine ass Niggah from heaven up above....... Too much! Well ion give a fi'nuck! When I walked up to him he showed a smiled that made me melt inside.

"Hey wassup," I smiled back at him.

"Nun Ma, you fine asf tho"

"Dayum! You straight to the point ain't it," I blushed.

"Yea but no thank you."

" No Niggah I already know I'm sexy," I flipped my hair.

" You Cocky,"he came closer ", I liked that."

Everything was going good. He is really funny and sexy. I might just keep him on my list tho.

Zhar'Ria P.O.V

As I was watching Maiya and Pigtail, I felt somebody breathing on my neck that sent chills down my spine. It could only be one person.

"Curly,"I turned around to face Roc",Stalk much."

"It's hard to stay away from you baby gurl"

"I ain't ya baby Curly. But I'll be right back"

I turned my back to him and walked to Amaiya. " Aye! You ready to go to the party"

"Yea Dariana just text me and said they on their way there instead of meeting us."

"Okay! You want to leave with Pigtails or do you want to com with us handsome."

Ray looked at me and chuckle" Sure I'll go wherever Amaiya go" Amaiya blushed and playfully pushed him. They were so cute!! But not as cute ass Roc and me would be together. I walked to Roc and took his hand.

"Come on Curly," I walked out the door Amaiya and PT right behind us ",I really need to dance or I'm going to go crazy"

" Heeeellllll Yeeeeaaaaa," Roc let my hand go doing a stupid dance"I'm bout get it boii!"

Amaiya and I burst out laughing rolling on the ground until Roc picked me up and Ray picked up Amaiya.

When we were able to stop laughing we walked into the party building we have on campus. Yes I know we turnt up at BMDA! The place was already jumping.

"Come on Ma,"Roc dragged me to the dance floor", I'm ready for that dance."

Luckily for Roc, 'Work That Monkey' came on and I just came up with this routine and I was gonna try it.

I turned around and started to grind on Roc and I could tell he loves it. Lets just say I got feeling. ;) but I was killing it and everybody else stop and was staring. Aye! *shrugs* gotta give the people what they want. So I got crunk and everybody starting cheering me on.

When the song was over, I took Roc to the table with the refreshments and laughed at the expression on his face unable to speak.

"You didn't believe me when I said I was the best did ya," I chuckled.

"Naw Ma," he pulled me closer by the waist", I'll believe you from now on"

"Promise," I held out my pinky.

Roc held his head back, a sexy laugh coming out his mouth. " Promise," he intertwined our pinkies together quickly kissing my cheek.

I looked away blushing. While I was looking back I saw Lyric come up to me. " Hey Lyric"

"Hey the crew and the boys want to ditch and go to the pool"

"Ayye, ditching our own party that's beast right there," I turned back to Roc", Coming curly"

"Seeing you in a swimsuit," he looked at me up and down.", hell to the yes babe, I'll meet you outside when you ready"

I nodded. And walked away with Lyric meeting up with Amaiya and Dariana.

"Y'all swimsuits still in my room so lets go" I lead the girls to my room but before we left we turned around to say goodbye to the boys. I waved at Roc blowing him a flirty kiss at him catching the invisible putting on them juicy lips. I laughed and turned away.

I think I'm going to like that boy.







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