"Chapter 1: A Helping Hand"

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Fluttershy P.O.V

My alarm clock went off waking me up out of a horrible nightmare. I softly placed my hand on my pale pink alarm clock to turn it off. I opened my eyes, pulled down my blanket and sat up in bed staring around my room then I remembered that today was the day I was leaving Cloudsdale High School and going to Canterlot High. I've heard a lot of stories about that school it was always my dream to go there and today it's finally happening which reminds I've got to get dressed I don't want to make a bad impression arriving late on my first day. I got up and opened my closet doors.

"What do you think I should wear Angel? " I softly (as usual) said to my  pet bunny turn my head around to look at her but she was still soundly asleep on her pink plushy bed, seeing as she was still sleeping. I quietly moved some of the racks in my closet looking for something to wear. Finally I found the white sleeveless blouse I was looking for along with my favorite pale green skirt that has my cutie mark to the side of it , a pale pink bra and matching pink undies, pink socks with white pulka dots and my favorite green boots that matches my skirt.  I walked to my bathroom the walls painted in pale pink with butterflies. I put my clothes down and take off my clothes and get into my bath tub.

❤❤Time Skip❤❤

After my shower I put on my clothes and come out of the bathroom. I head to my bed and properly spread my bed placing my light pink heart pillows at the top of my bed close to where my butterfly bed head is. Looking in my mirror I softly brush my pale pink long hair leaving it loose so it wanders around my knees. I pick up my pink bag and head down the hallway to my brothers room to call him out so we can leave for school. I knock on his door saying,

"Blue Thunder come on we can't be late for school" I softly in a minute he opens the door and look on me.

"Sometimes I wonder how people hear you and, yes I'm definitely ready but whats the rush?" He asks never breaking eye contact, closing his room door heading for down stairs.

"Its my first day at Canterlot and I don't wanna be late for school or any classes, Blue Thunder are the people there um.. are the people there uh nice?" I asks in linking my fingers together and turning around to follow him down stairs.My brother does go to Canterlot High that's why I asked .

"Yeah they're really nice once you get to know them, Don't worry you'll be fine sis" He says with a reassuring smile on his face, turning around to place a hand on my shoulder then turning back around.

"Thanks" I  say we walked downstairs to be greeted by our parents at the breakfast table eating cereal. "Goodmorning mom Goodmorning dad" I softly say to my parents then my phone started ring in my bag,

I see I'm too late,

Got nothing in my brain

That's what people say

That's what people say,

I finally found my pale pink phone in my bag Caller ID

                       Pinkie Pie
I answer it quickly "Hello" I say softly in to the phone "Fluttershy guess what my mom has finally agreed to" Pinkie Pie says "to"I say pretty excited "TO MAKE ME TRANSFER TO CANTERLOT HIGH WITH YOU ISN'T THAT AWESOME MEET ME AT THE TRAIN STATION IN 15"Pinkie Pie squeals "Omg that so great I'll meet you there bye"I softly say squealing about the news "bye"Pinkie Pie we hang up at the "Goodmorning honey" My mom and dad says. 
Blue Thunder sits down on a chair pouring some cereal for himself I go into the kitchen to get myself some fruit salad.

      After preparing my fruit salad I  return to the breakfast table and take a seat next to my mom. I hurriedly tried to eat my food to get to the train station. Me and Pinkie Pie had been friends from Middle School we were best friends from that time. When I finish eating I gently place my bowl in the sink and pick up my bag and go upstairs to go get Angel. I never leave home without her she's just the cutest thing I can't stand to leave her all alone at home.

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