part 4

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My back was pressed against the door of the radio studio as if it were cemented down. I wanted so desperately to melt into the walls of the tiny room and disappear. Breathing came hard for me, as if I was once again smushed under Harry Styles, trying to get my chest to move up and down and pump air throughout my body. 

The radio DJ waved his wrinkled hand for me to come over to him and the boys. I squeezed my eyes shut before taking a step toward them. I quickly thought about chucking the phone at Harry and taking off, but I continued over to the grey-haired man. 

“Come on, love.” He grinned showing his off-white teeth and laugh lines. I gulped audibly as my eyes scanned for Harry’s. He was holding back a laugh, probably at the fact I looked like a crazed deer caught in the headlights of a car. 

“Yeah, we don’t bite.” I heard a deep, smokey voice say to my left. My eyes met with a pair of brown ones with a color I can’t even describe. I knew who he was, and I knew he was hot. But, I never really knew boys could be... beautiful. And man, oh, man, Zayn was pretty damn beautiful. I couldn’t help the tug I felt on the corners of my lips as they formed a goofy smile. His voice, his eyelashes, his crooked little smirk, his everything seemed to calm me down a bit.  

Harry cleared his throat and causing me to blink multiple times, my Zayn trance being broken. I laughed nervously before the DJ spoke. 

“From what I heard, you’re Scarlett.” I nodded my head lightly in response. “Well, it is an absolute pleasure. I’m Maxwell and I’m hosting this lovely get together, so why don’t you squeeze on in between Zayn and Niall and we’ll continue!” He squeezed my shoulder as I squawked out a gross laugh. I bit my bottom lip, punishing myself for opening my mouth. 

Zayn and Niall stepped apart in unison making room for me. I smiled up at Niall and for a second got lost in his ice blue eyes. He returned with a cheeky wink. Zayn threw his arm around Liam, who stood next to him before Maxwell spoke. 

“So Scarlett, how did you get yourself in this, One Direction, predicament?” I laughed lightly, shaking my head from side to side before responding. 

“I, uhm,” I stammered. “I don’t really think the fans want to hear about me in a One Direction radio interview.”  

And as if on cue the boys shouted responses at me: 

“Awh, c’mon!” I heard Niall say from my right. 

“Only a few questions.” Louis shouted above the rest of the boy’s meaningless banter. 

“It’ll be fun.” A low whisper tickled my ear drum causing my shoulder to shoot up to my neck and a girly squeak to follow. Zayn’s one comment, in that one seductive tone made me actually stay. 

“Alright.” I whispered. “But not a lot of questions!” I held up a hand before unbuttoning my pale pink coat and tossing it on the chair behind me. I ruffled my brown waves before listening intently to Maxwell’s choppy accent. 

“Well, we can all tell that you are American. So what the hell are you doing here in England?” He asked the same question I get asked every time I open my mouth in an unfamiliar location. 

“I’m studying, uh-” I paused, wondering if I should lie about my major. Maybe say something a little more girly like, fashion or English. Nah, why bother? “I’m studying mathematics at Oxford currently.”  

I heard all the boys begin to snicker mercilessly and regretted my decision of being honest. I laughed lightly, trying to act as if I thought it was funny too. 

“We’ve got a little nerd on our hands.” Louis sang into the microphone and my eyes rolled. Like I haven’t heard that one before. I crossed my arms over the thick gray sweater I was wearing. 

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