Roc Imagine.

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For Angel

Your POV

Today was my day off, so like all normal people I was relaxing. I sat on the couch with my legs propped up on the armrest and I was devouring a bag of chips. I heard the door-knob twisting, but was too into my movie to even think about getting up to getting it. I looked to the side and thought about getting it, I did have to tell Roc something. I shrugged and looked back at the T.V,

“Really?! you go and open the door,” I scream at the girl in the movie, like she could actually hear me, grabbing a handful of chips.

There was a blood curdling scream from the T.V,

“Told you not to go in there,” I mumbled as the girl clawed the floor in an attempt to get out of the killer’s grasp.

I felt like I was being watched, I looked over with my stank face on and saw Roc staring at me with his own. When I saw him I lit up,

“Hey babe,” I smiled placing my bowl on the table before getting up to give him a hug.

When I hugged him he didn’t hug back,

“Come on, what’s wrong,” I asked jokingly poking his face.

He gave me this weird look before walking upstairs. I followed him, it was unlike him to act like this and I hated this side of him.

“Roc what’s wrong,” I asked seriously.

“Oh, no, don’t worry about it go watch your movie,” he told me sarcastically.

“Roc, don’t take it that way, it’s just that the movie was getting good,” I told him thinking he would understand.

“Yeah, not like you could pause it or anything, not like you care about your boyfriend more than a movie,” he yelled his voice gradually getting louder.

“Babe,” I muttered a little lost for words, ” I just didn’t think you’d…”.

He disapprovingly shook his head and walked out the room. I felt the need to make this right and followed him downstairs,

“Chresanto,” I yelled, feeling like I needed to call him by his real name.

“What the fuck do you want Angel, go sit your lazy ass on the couch and watch that ‘life changing’ movie,” he yelled jabbing a finger in my face.

“I… I,” I muttered a little lost for words.

“Get the fuck outta my face,” he yelled waving me away.

I was about to cry, but I refused to let him run all over me like that.

“What the fuck is wrong with you, because I didn’t come running to the door like I don’t see you everyday,” I yelled tired of him.

“Not like you have anything else to do,” he mumbled.

“Oh, don’t even play that card Chresanto, I work just as hard as you do, maybe harder because I actually have to WORK, not just dance and rap in front of people,” I told him.

“At least I’m not a gold digger,” he yelled.

I began to tear up, I didn’t understand how he could say that. I was with him when he was on the corner selling pot. I stood there as tears soaked my face, I didn’t even bother to wipe them.

“Your only cryin’ ‘cause you know it’s true,” he shrugged as he walked away.

I wiped my tears away with my sleeve and ran up the stairs. I threw all my essentials into a back and made sure to leave anything he paid for, which actually wasn’t a lot. I snatch the necklace he gave me off my neck and threw it on the floor before going back downstairs. I came downstairs and Roc had a smug look on his face like he didn’t think I could leave. 

I gave him my house key and walked out onto the porch,

“Where you goin,” he asked giggling.

“We’re leaving Chresanto, I would hate to make you miserable,” I muttered.

“There is no we, I’m not going anywhere,” he laughed.

Was he really that dumb,

“Not you, me and our child are leaving,” I told him as I ducked into the car.

His face twisted into confusion, and I gave him a smug smile before pulling off. 

Roc P.O.V

I stood on the porch, watching Angel leave dumbfounded. She’s having my baby,… I don’t believe her. She probably just wanted me to beg for her to stay, she probably wanted money and was using a baby as an excuse. She’s pitiful, I walked into the house and plopped down on the couch, I flipped the television to sports and relaxed.


I pulled on my pajamas pants and hopped into bed, almost as soon as I layed down I went to sleep. 

Dream, (Roc POV):

I woke up and looked at Angel before getting out the bed and pulling on my jeans. I shrugged my shirt on and stuffed bags of weed into my pockets. I checked to make sure it was loaded before shoving my 9mm into my pants. I gave Angel a quick kiss before leaving, to go meet my boys.

I met them around the corner store, a few blocks away from the park and dapped them up. We made a quota for ourselves and walked away to our corners. 

After a few hours, I went home satisfied, my pockets now full of money. I fiddled with my keys in the front door before stepping into Angel’s small apartment. I heard someone screaming and figured she was just watching another scary movie. 

“Yo Angel, turn that shit down,” I yelled to her as I threw my keys on the table.

I heard a muffled sound and walked into the other room to see what it was. 

Someone with a scarf over their mouth had Angel at gunpoint. I reached for my 9mm, and they pointed their gun towards me. Me being as cocky as I am didn’t think they would do anything. I pulled my gun out and was shocked when they pulled the trigger. My world moved in slow motion. I watched as her brains poured onto the floor. The blood came out of her head in what seemed like gallons. The masked man came over and pressed their gun to my temple. Before they could threaten me I pulled my gun up to my head and shot myself. I refuse to live without her.


I woke up in a cold sweat, I remembered all those nights that Angel held my down. She gave me a place to stay before this rapping thing. I knew she wouldn’t lie to me about something like that, she’s having my child… I knew it was hopeless but I called her. 

I was pleasantly surprised when she answered, she must not’ve seen the caller I.D. Oh well, I’m just happy she answered and that she’s alright.

“Hi Angel, it’s me Roc,” I answered, but before she could reply I gave her a mouthful. 

“I know you probably hate me right now, but I love you Angel. I want you to forgive me, I’m sorry, please come back. I miss you next to me, hogging all the covers. I miss you in the kitchen making me dinner. I miss those movie nights we had. I miss kissing you, I’m begging you, come home, I love you,”.

I heard her crying and laughing on the other end of the phone, and after a few minutes of that she answered.

“I’ll be there in a few minutes,” she answered, joy in her voice.

I smiled to myself, I have my girl back…

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