Chapter 1

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One month into Louis's final year in high school, and he had already learned numerous things: His English class consisted on his year (year 12), and year 11 combined together. He had no idea why, wasn't aware that happened in sixth form, but then again; Louis didn't really pay attention. He had found a fascination with a certain brown-haired boy called Harry, whose hair stopped at his shoulders. He had emerald green eyes, and was constantly carrying a poetry book called Rumi; Selected Poems. There was something about the way he kept himself to himself. Sure he had friends. A blonde haired boy called Niall. He didn't understand how they were friends, though. Niall was loud and sociable. Harry was quiet, but always had a smile on his face whenever he was in Niall's presence. They say that opposites attract in relationship scenarios – Louis supposed that meant in friendships too. As his English class was about to start, Ms. Kelly had written the topic of the class: Poetry. Louis sat back in his seat, and watched Harry walk through the door. He placed his Rumi poetry book onto his desk, and let his bag fall beside his feet. Watching Harry's eyes look up to his face, Louis couldn't help but smile to himself, seeing the way his eyes lit up in happiness. Yes, Louis definitely had a fascination with the green-eyed beauty.

At lunchtime, Louis found himself walking into the cafeteria with his eyes out for Liam, his best friend. Stuffing his hands into his hoodie pockets, he let out a huff from his lips. "Fuckin' typical." Louis mumbled to himself. Making his way over to the lunch line, he decided it'd be best to get food first, rather than waiting for Liam on a lonely table of four. He picked up a tray, and as he looked ahead of him, Louis couldn't help but feel his heart quicken. Harry was standing in front of him. He let his eyes roam over Harry's exterior; taking in his black long-sleeved jumper, which was rolled up to his elbows, and his black skinny jeans; which he wore with, of course, black boots. Louis admired Harry's quirky style. It was much more interesting than Louis's typical hoodie and jeans attire that he had mastered over his sixth form years. As one of the girls in front of Harry tipped her head back and laughed with her friend; Harry stumbled backwards, trying to avoid her hair hitting his face, only to stumble into Louis; whose hands were up, settling him.
"Oh." Harry turned around instantly. "I-I-I'm so sorry!" He spoke in a quiet tone.
Louis smiled and shook his head,
"It's fine, don't worry about it."
The edges of Harry's mouth curved up ever so slightly, before he turned back around and picked up a plate of salad; causing Louis to scrunch his nose up.
"Hey you're Harry, right? You're in my English class." He said, trying to start conversation.
Harry nodded, picking up a plate with a plain jacket potato on, which Louis also picked up,
"Yeah I am. And you're..." Harry looked up at him. "Louis?"
Louis smiled and nodded at him,
"I am. Nice to meet ya, mate." He stuck out his hand and the two shook hands.
"You too."
Louis liked Harry's soft tone. The sound was almost bittersweet, considering how deep his voice was. Louis picked up a small bowl of grated cheese, and then a plate of chips. He noticed Harry staring at him from the corner of his eye, a look of admiration on his face. Louis watched him pick up a bowl of tuna for his jacket potato and then the two made their way over to the tills to pay for their meals. The two then made their way over to the small group of tables for four. Louis sat on one and Harry on the one behind him. The two faced each other as they both waited patiently for their friends. Louis watched Liam sit down in the seat opposite him,
"Sorry I'm late."
He nodded,
"S'alright." He nodded to the empty table in front of him. "Not eatin'?"
"Oh! Yeah, I've brought it from home."
Louis watched Liam dig out his food from his bag and then his eyes trailed to behind him, watching Niall sit down opposite Harry. The two shared a smile, before Niall said something, causing a laugh to escape Harry's lips, causing Louis's heart to melt. A pair of emerald green met his eyes, and the two stared at each other. A smile appeared on Louis's face, before his eyes travelled down Harry, seeing something he hadn't noticed before: Red nail polish.

Adjusting his rucksack on his shoulders, Louis made his way out of the school building and headed towards the car park. As he made his way over to his car, Louis felt his shoulder brush someone else's.
"Oh." He looked up, seeing Harry and he smiled. "Sorry, Harry."
Seeing his slightly flustered face, Louis watched Harry shake his head,
"It's okay." He mumbled.
The two shared a smile, before Louis watched Harry run a hand through his hair, and he glanced over at the school bus. Catching on, Louis cleared his throat,
"D'you uh... do you want a lift?"
Harry's eyes widened, looking at him,
"What? I can't let you do that."
Louis furrowed his eyebrows,
"Why not?"
"Because it's a bother!"
He snorted,
"Don't be silly. It's fine. Honest." He smiled at him.
Harry bit his bottom lip,
"I don't know, Louis..."
"Come on, Harry. I promise you it's no trouble."
The two stared at each other for a few seconds, before Harry gave up and nodded slightly.
"Come on." Louis smiled and the two walked over to his car. After unlocking his car, the two climbed inside and buckled up. "You okay to give me directions?"
Harry nodded silently and Louis reversed out of his car parking space and out the school.
"So, Harry. Tell me about yourself."
The emerald green beauty looked over at Louis and stared at the side of his head. Louis glanced at him and smiled encouragingly.
"Uh, I'm Harry. Harry Styles." He spoke quietly. "I'm 17 and in year 12. I love poetry and hanging out with my friend Niall."
Louis nodded,
"Nice to meet you. I'm Louis Tomlinson. I'm 18, in year 13 and I love football. My best mates are Liam and Zayn. Although, Zayn is rarely at school." He chuckled.
Harry nodded slowly, and the two fell into a comfortable silence.
"Turn left here." Harry directed quietly.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2015 ⏰

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