Chapter One

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Hey Munchkins <3

Sorry for any mistakes dont have a editor...Yet? xx

Enjoy xoxoxoo


I lied in the soft green of the grass, deliting in the feeling of the sun's golden rays bathing my skin. I was spending these summer holidays at my great grandmother's estate.

 I was just drifting of in to the welcomed darkness when i heard the a slight russel of a nearby tree, i quickly ejusted my position so that i was propped onto my elbows and back to the ground i glanced at the nearby clump of bushes and trees that started into the dark woods only to see nothing out of the ordinary. I soon went back to my earlier position and tried to lure my self back into unconsciousness.

Unfortunately i failed in my endeavours because i head the feeling some might describe as a sixth sense were every little hair on the back of my neck was on end giving me the sensation of being watched. 

After what seemed like only a couple of minitues i heerd the disticint sound o f someones footsteps around me, i quickly went to investigate perhaps i had been imagining it. Once i was at around about the place producing the sounds the deep rumble of a mans voice surprised me and i whirled around to meet the person behind the voice

 " what's a pretty lady like you doing in the woods by themselves?"  the mysteriously man asked me

i quickly assed him and against my mind my body liked what i saw he was strikingly tall and very welled muscled he had dark midnight black hair spiked up into a looked liked a small mohawke he was well dressed in all black jeans that fitted his muscled thighs perfectly and a tight black t-shirt that you could eaisly make out his finely scultptured abbs and biceps topped off with a black denim jacket, this look on anyone else would have repelled me from them but i couldn't help but feel strangely drawn to him. I soon realised i was staring openly at him and quickly tried to redem myself.

"anything she likes" i blurted out more smoothly than i thought possible.

He grinned a sly smile coming across half his face,

 " thats probably not such a good idea, you never know what you might encounter in the big bad woods" 

I soon realised just how deep i had ventured into the woods and made a move to go back to the safety of the fields and gardens of the estate.

"well i am a big girl, but now that you mention it i must be on my way nice meeting you"

Ii offered him a small smile and turned on my heel heading back the way i had come. Before i could get far i slammed into a hard chest and stumbled back but not before hands snaked around my waist only too be pulled into a hard chest  before i could make any move to escape his hands a voice whispered in my ear huskily

"sleep my princess"

 And then the unwelcome darkness consumed me for almost the third time this day.



Thankyou my sexyy swagger muffins xx

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