Chapter Three The Heart of the Matter

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This was seriously the most fun I have ever had writing a chapter J Please review I really want to know what you think. Thank you to those who have read and reviewed it really makes my day. Thanks for the kind words. Until next time.

Chapter 3
The Heart of the Matter
Rylie's POV.
The first thing Rylie saw was the sun. It happened about two days after they had arrived and had come on almost suddenly. She had made her way to the edge of camp and had climbed up on a big rock that looked down over the camp. Despite her disability she had adapted and made her way around. She could feel the warmth of the sun and faced it closing her eyes. She tried to imagine what it would look like; something that warm would have to be spectacular. The Ark had always had a coldness about it that seemed to seep into your bones but this, this was different and she couldn't help but smile.

She closed her eyes for a moment and took a deep breath. The sounds of the camp seemed to drift from her and the only thing she could hear was her own breathing and the beating of her heart, a heart that had almost stopped beating when she realized that he too had made it to the surface. She knew he was there, she always knew when he was around and she knew the same could be said for him. Instead he had chosen to ignore her and had promptly turned into a person she didn't even recognize. She knew that he only did what he did for his sister but it still didn't excuse why he did it and said the things he did to her not that long ago.

They had been such good friends, her one light within her dark world and in a matter of minutes that light had been extinguished. His words had been cruel, intentional and unforgivable and yet she sensed there was more behind it. She had even tried going back to him but he always refused to see her. That was the day that everything had changed for her, the day her entire world had come crumbling to the ground. When she discovered the secrets so well kept, so well-guarded that even the current chancellor was oblivious to it. She found herself running away from him, upset and devastated. She hadn't been paying attention and found herself lost in the bawls of the Ark and a section not used in years, abandoned in fact. What she heard how ever was so much worse than what she had just been told by her best friend. She had turned to stumble her way back causing a racket. This had caused the talking to cease as they tried to find who had overheard them. That was when she knew if they caught her she would be dead and she was sure no one would believe, but then who would believe her? So she did the only thing she could think of and hide. She just didn't know that her chosen hiding spot was a back compartment on the drop ship. She was lucky to even be alive at that point but she was, on the ground and fully grateful for a second chance. She also vowed not to let anyone take that away from her. Not those on the Ark who would most likely kill her for what she knows, and certainly not Bellamy Blake regardless of what he said.

She shook her head at that moment and decided to open her eyes. Even if she couldn't see anything then at least she could pretend she could, just for a moment. Slowly they had come open and she quickly slammed them shut again. Brightness had entered her sight and tears suddenly came to her eyes, she was almost afraid to open them again. Slowly she pried her eyes open again to notice the brightness but instead of closing them she opened them even wider squinting slightly. Tears streamed down her face due to the brightness but also to the emotions that had suddenly overcome her and she realized what was happening. She was seeing! Colors, shades, objects, the sun! She was so over whelming that she didn't even realize someone had come to sit beside her.

"The sun!?" She whispered with a smile on her face as she reached her hands out in front of her. She snatched them back as they came into her vision and giggled as she held them in front of her again.

"You can see that?" A familiar voice said in her ear causing her to give a little shriek and almost stumbling off from her perch. She was saved however as a pair of arms reached out and caught her. "I've never seen anyone ever sneak up on you before." She looked up into a very worried, regretful and gorgeous pair of brown eyes. She quickly recovered however and pushed him away and looked back at the sun trying to comprehend, well anything.

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