~Chapter 6~

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I woke up to a horrible headache. I feel like someone's banging on my head with a hammer. Oh god I'm never drinking that much again. Wait. I don't even remember any of it. Shit did we hide our phones?! Dammit I don't remember! I looked up and I'm on the couch all laid out and Brianna is on the floor with her mouth wide open. I laugh and raised my hand to my head quickly. I wish I had my phone to take a picture! I suddenly winced because my head started hurting even more when I laughed. Ouch. I went to the medicine cabinet to get some Tylenol. Hopefully that'll calm my headache. I started cleaning. My house is a mess!

"Why didn't you wake me to help you?" Said a very sleepy Brianna.

"I didn't want to wake you. Plus I'm not done. The kitchen still needs cleaning too." She let out a exaggerated sigh.

"My head hurts!" She pouted.

"There's some Tylenol in the cabinet. Grab some."


"Did we hide our phones and keys?" I asked. We finished cleaning and were sitting down on my bed with our phones just relaxing.

"We forgot.... I kinda got caught up in the dancing and music and it just slipped my mind..."

"I sure as hell hope we didn't do anything stupid." I said.

"Time to do our check up. " when we forget to hide our phones we do this thing where we check who we called and what time and blah blah blah.

"Holy shit I texted Lucas! Remember from high school? The one I had a major crush on!" I said gasping. She laughed.

"It's not funny. What if I said something stupid. He's gonna think I'm some type of weirdo." I scowled at her.

"I'm sorry. Now read what it says"

"Dammit. Next time we have to hide our fucking phones Bri!"

"What did you say now?!" She sighed.

"I told him that we should hang out because we have great chemistry......" Brianna laughed so hard her eyes were tearing up. I glared at her.

"That's fucking hilarious!! GREAT CHEMISTRY?!? Really Tori?" I blushed.

"It's not my fault!" I frowned.

"Wait what do you mean by now?"

"Don't you remember?" She asked me.

"No. What are you talking about?" I asked worriedly.

"When you called Mr. Hot ass" she said. My eyes widened. Oh no. Fuck. Did I? I don't fucking remember!!

"Oh my god. Please don't tell me I said anything inappropriate or stupid!" I whined.

"Nope. Just that you told him that we're going clubbing today and that you were so wet for him and you ended the call on that note." I gasped and my eyes were wide.

"I SAID I WAS WET FOR HIM?!?!?!?" I exclaimed. She nodded. Oh my god. Now how am I supposed to go to class knowing I said something like that to him? I'm so screwed.

"Relax. It's not like he didn't know you were drunk. So he might think that it was the alcohol talking not you." See that's the thing, I think it was me that was talking and the alcohol was just making it easier to say it..


Me and Brianna were getting ready to go clubbing. She said she was gonna get me all ready. She also told me not to worry but see the thing is when it comes to my Brianna, I'm always worried. Dressing wise...

She curled my hair and put on my makeup. I looked good. But the dress is what was worrying me. She pulled out a couple of dresses. One was way to short and too revealing. I told her I don't want to look like a damn hooker. But she pulled out this really pretty, tight white dress. It was short but not short short. It was like at mid thigh. The straps were crossed. Showing more than enough of my chest. Brianna was wearing a tight blue dress. It was a strapless one and her hair was straight.

"Damn babe! You're gonna wow a lot of men tonight!" Brianna said looking at me. I blushed.

"Stop it or else I'll take it off. Might I say you lookin good in that dress!" I said chuckling.

"I know! Ready?" She asked grabbing her clutch.

"I guess. I hope Mr. Bateman doesn't come.." I said groaning. I think that's why I have butterflies in my stomach.

"I sure as hell hope he does! C'mon Tori you need to have some excitement in your life! Not everything is about school or studying! I mean it is but like once in a while you need to let loose!" She said as she looked at me worriedly. I sighed and nodded at her. Maybe she's right. But I don't know if I can handle heartbreak right now.

"I don't want to have this discussion right now Bri. Can we go?" I asked rolling my eyes. She sighed and we got into the taxi and left. Let's see how this goes.

I hope you guys had a great day! Don't forget to vote! Oh and if there's any mistakes in the book please let me know! Thanks! Until next time, love you guys

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