I Love You Too

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A/N: First of all, thank you to everyone who's read the story so far & especially to @HeartsAndAxes for that sweet message in my inbox! Go check her & her Johnlock fanfiction out- she's brilliant!

Second, I know I haven't been updating lately, it's because I had a really horrid case of writer's block. I'm so sorry, and to make it up to you guys, here's a really [emotional] long chapter :)

❤ Always,


[Sherlock's POV:]

There were tears in my eyes when I heard what John had told Molly.

That fair. Though I was initially against the idea, I can't deny that it was one of the best days I've ever had in my life.

"-tomorrow. Bye, John!" I caught Molly's voice, just when it was fading.

I smiled. Molly was coming to visit, tomorrow. I wouldn't be so... Alone.

Suddenly, the rusty, metal gate creaked open, jerking me out of my thoughts.

John. It could only be John.

I climbed back up the tree that I had been staying in for quite some time. The tree overlooked my "grave" so, I had a clear view at whoever visited me. It was John, Molly & Mrs. Hudson most of the time, but Lestrade visited once.

The footsteps stopped, just at the foot of the grave. I sucked my breath in.

He was here.

"L-Look, Sherlock. I know you're dead and you can't hear me. But I guess there's no harm in trying... Molly Hooper. She figured out my emotions better than I did. She figured out t-that.. I-I love you."

I almost fell out of the tree. John.. He loves me. Me? Wait. Am I happy? Why am I happy? Then it dawned on me.

I loved him. My blogger. My hedgehog. My John.

"-Well, say something." he choked out. "Please."

After a few minutes, he lowered his head. "I must be going mad. " he muttered. "Goodbye, Sherlock. I've got to get home." he said, starting to walk away.

No. He couldn't leave. Not without me telling him.

I climbed down the tree as softly as I could, landing just a few feet from him. This was it. I would tell him. Now.


John turned around.

"Oh, that's brilliant. I've got to deal with Sherlock's ghost, too." he mumbled, seeing me.

"John. I'm not a ghost."

"I'm going mad."

"John," I said, touching his cheek lightly. "Do I feel like a ghost to you?"

"S-Sherlock?" he stuttered, in disbelief. His fingers touching mine.


I tilted his face upward, for his eyes to meet mine. "Think."

A look of shock spread through his warm, brown eyes. "Molly? She helped you, didn't she?"

"Well done." I mumbled, feeling proud.

"Uhm.. Thank you. But why didn't you show yourself earlier? Why today?"

I pulled him closer. "Because you said it."

A blush spread through his face.

"Said what?" he squeaked.

"You said you loved me."

I crashed my lips into his. John let out a small noise of surprise at this, but slowly, his hands embraced my waist. I licked his lips with my tongue, asking for entrance. He complied, letting out a soft moan of satisfaction. We could've stood like that for ages, but sadly- we needed air.

I broke the kiss, inhaling deep breaths of oxygen. John's face was red, & his lips were swollen. I had a suspicion I looked the same.

"I love you too."

The Otter & The Hedgehog: A Johnlock FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now