Shouldn't Be So White (Ziam AU | Oneshot)

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- Guys I DO NOT own One Direction. This is PURELY FICTION. Which means everything and ANYTHING in this story did NOT happen and was not meant to offend or harm any of the members of One Direction so please heed this. IT IS FICTION! And is a little sad so yeah... -


Life in many ways is like a ball game. It all starts like most normal described; sports, a team against a team. We could call these two nameless bodies of space Happiness and Sadness or Fair and Unfair. Love and Hate or let's keep it simple-Bad and Good. Now you see quite a few lucky souls are born and are unrequitedly picked to play for team 'Good'. For the other majority of Sons-of-bitches there left to play for team 'Bad'. Sometimes a Good switches for a Bad or vice-versa. Now those poor lads they popped out screaming for team 'Bad'...or so it seems. In whatever perspective it is agreed there are occasional glitches, mess up's...mistakes. And that is how Liam found Zayn. In all rights that glitch was a mistake in many cases good. Now remember love was on team 'Good' and well team 'Bad' had heartbreak, unrequinted, and hate. How they managed to love each other and build a friendship evidently stronger than steel is beyond recognition. But all in all they had done it. Even so every glitch is fixed, mess ups cleaned up and mistakes made up. And so the game goes on.

Liam struck out quite a lot during those curveballs. And Zayn well...Zayn hit as many as he could.

It goes it could have been the last inning and I reckon it was. Liam well that boy was at the bat. Zayn like the inevitable friend he was, whistling and cheering him on. He swung the bat around, spit from the corner of his mouth and put his game face on. He had too hit that ball!

It seems Liam just couldn't catch a break. His ball to hit was 'Life'. And by the Jesus of course it had to be him get it. The undesignated nervousness bubbled over but he found his calming roots and looked the pitcher in the eye. After faintly nodding at him, Liam took another glance only this time to stare into the (by his words) 'Bloody amazing indescribable black, honey eyes' he loved. Zayn in return winked. Well that just darn set something off in him. Turning his attention back to the game at hand, for fear he'd get lost in that ocean of pure magnificence that where Zayns eyes, he found the referee putting his whistle to his lips. Liam twirled his heel into the rusty tinted dirt. When the whistle blew and the tosser wound his arm and let the 'Decider-of-the-Future' fly everything seemed too happen in slow motion. Then as if all at once. It was only when he heard the howls and cheers that he had pegged on. He had indeed struck the ball. And to no avail did he miss. Then all the cheers and howls seemed to drown out. Turning his preoccupied mind to his raven haired love. He found a frantic Zayn, jumping up and down in the players' compartment. A worried and terrified flurry of emotions etched across the caramel tanned face. Liam was confused. Shouldn't Zayn be happy, ecstatic even? Liam hit the ball, the most important ball, and the only one to feel the force of his swing in a long time. He couldn't fathom it. Then it seemed as if Zayns melodic voice had been low and static filled, now it was clearer. Liam filled with horror as the words reached his ears. "RUN LIAM RUN!" "GO! WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!" It was as if the galaxy had suddenly punched him, but not gently, with its full force. Liam was never a good ball player. He shook his head, everybody in the crowded bleachers around suddenly becoming noticeable once again.

And so he started running. Sprinting full on. Passing the first and second base. Although he knew he wasted too much time. It was too late. But he had to keep running; he had to get a homerun. Why? Well that's a particularly good question. Maybe it was for life itself, or maybe...just maybe it was that innocent, beautiful man that occupied the left side of the players' compartment and an even bigger sum of his heart. For an amount of time it all deceived him. For a moment he thought he'd had a chance. But typical Liam. Even as the Ref blew his ear shattering device and the other team- team 'Good' cheered, and Liam slowed to find the other team member ball-in-hand, it deceived him. Because Liam didn't want to lose, didn't want to stop running, he hadn't made it home. He was stupid, utterly stupid, for he wasn't bad at ball. No! Just life in general. Liam struck out. Well that wasn't a surprise. Sad, yes. But none the surprise. What was, was when he turned to find the quaffed, half smiling lad, that he loved too much but still to him not enough, standing just a couple inches away.

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