The Meeting

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It was 8:58 before we have to meet our friends  so that gave Obi-Wan and Mace Windu a chance to get there so in the mean time we walked to the apartment where they lived(temporarily) now it's just about 9:00pm. We were so close to knocking on the door then James rips open the door and almost knocked down Mace Windu.
"If you fall down that easily you have no chance of survival in the Games." Said James
"Hahahahahahaha" Said Obi-Wan
(Sarcastic)"Funny" Said Mace Windu
Mace Windu got up and went into their dorm.
"So this is where you live?" Said Mace Windu
"It's very nice" Sa d Obi-Wan
"Thank you, me and Megz have worked very hard, and most appreciated she made us snacks!!!"
"Oooooooo, what's on the menu" Said Mace Windu
Megz laughed really hard in a dark corner of the room. We both looked in the direction and said
"Why are you hiding?" Said Obi-Wan
"Because I don't know if I can trust you guys yet"
"It's ok young one, your safe with us"
She slowly comes out and noticed that she was a tweliek
"My name is Obi-Wan,and this is Mace Windu, he's the one who fell in the door way" Obi-Wan said
"You just had to say that didn't you?" Said Mace Windu
"Yep kinda had to" said Obi-Wan
"Well let's get started"Said Megz

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