Chapter 3

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I practically jumped out of my skin as a pounding came from my door. I quickly sucked in a breath, not realizing I held it. Emryl moved to the bed and threw me the blood red stilettos to put on.

"Oh! Why hello Guardian Kendrick" Emryl said suprised, and softly bowed. I quickly slipped my feet into the shoes, slowly moving towards the door. "What may I do for you?"

"I am looking for Princess Riveara...Is she here?" Kendrick said levelly.

I opened the door fully, and smiled at him. I gave a very slight bow.

"I was asked to bring you to the main chamber your highness" He said with a deep bow.

I looked to Emryl and she nodded that I was ready to leave. I softly put my hand on Kendrick's arm as we walked down the corridor. He was older, of course not looking half as old as he actually is...His hair was cut sort of shaggy, and was now salt and pepper colored. He was only about 3 inches taller than me, which is surprising for a man. He is THE warrior. He was the man assigned to the first woman warrior, Amelia. She was a princess, and she believed in fighting for what she governed. Her father had assigned Kendrick to protect and look after her. No one knows exactly what had happened to her...but the story is that she ended up dying in battle.

"Um, may I ask why you were asked to escort me? You shouldn't be escorting anyone...Your a leader...A powerful one too..." I said curiously. He had kept a straight face the whole time we walked til now. A small smile crept on his face.

"I wanted to see you before the ball. Your mother and I were very close back in the day." He said looking at me. "You know, your a spitting image of her your highness"

"Riveara is fine" I smiled. "And thank you"

"I heard your an excellent fighter. Even though your not supposed to be fighting..." He said sternly, but his small smile relayed a different feel. He let out a deep chuckle after noticing my face.

"That's what they say...But as you know, 'a princess should never dabble in such dangerous activities'" I laughed in turn.

"Well I would love to see that some time. Recreationally of course" He said without a hint of disapproval in his voice.

"Maybe you will one day..." I said looking away. One day alot sooner than he thinks...

We then walked into the great chamber. It was huge. Kind of ridiculously so, but that was my fathers thing. The amount of people within the chamber was already huge, and still people spilled in. The garden was also full of people laughing and dancing to the music played by the band. The mix of guardians and common people was surprising. I walked with Kendrick up to the throne. We both bowed to my father. Just like every other guest.

    "Kendrick" He said smiling, "Its been awhile. Come, sit with me and we can catch up."

     "Sure your majesty" Kendrick said straight faced. He looked at me and smiled, "Go mingle, get to know the guardians. Most of them have been dying to meet you"

       I nodded, slightly bowed to them and walked to the wine bowl. I grabbed a glass and walked outside. The fresh air was really welcomed. I sat down on the edge of our medium sized fountain, relaxing and drinking the strong wine. Guests danced and laughed past, most already greatly feeling the effects of the alcohol...this is the worst time to not block the bombardment of souls. Alcohol effects the way my minds walls work. They slowly begin to have holes, where thoughts slip through...and eventually they break down completely, feeding me to the dogs. Honestly that's why I hate parties like this, so many souls at once can knock me off my feet..literally. 

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