An Outcast Singer

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“An Outcast Singer”

Well it started when a student named Nina reached grade 5. She thought that it will be fun because Bea, her best friend, and Keith, her crush, is with her. But when the first week of school started, the other girls started bullying Nina because they said that she is not good enough for them. Despite this new experiences that happened to Nina, Keith and Bea is always there for each other and always protect themselves against the bullies. It turns out to be her happiest school year of her life. But when they reached grade 6, Keith and Nina separated because Keith needed to transfer to another school, but because they’re best friends they always keep in touch, go out sometimes and they are always together.

After 10 years, another problem came into Nina’s life, she has to go to London next week so Keith, Nina, Bea and Dale spend the last time that they were together. When Nina left with her mother and brother, Keith was left lonely but Dale keep him accompany and that’s when he realize that he loves Nina.

Nina’s POV                                                                                         

“Ugh…” “What’s wrong Nina?” my mom asked “I just missed my friends.. Especially Keith….” “You have a crush on him right?” and my face starts to blush and I think my mom understands my expression….. 2 more hours before we land to London and I just sleep in my seat. After 1 ½ hours, “Nina wake up. We are about to land in London in 30 minutes.” “Ugh… Mom!!” and then I groaned while try to adjust my eyes…. Before we headed to our aunt’s flat, my mom and my brother decided to go to the mall (to shop of course). But I said “Mom I’m starving… I’m going to eat first” “Ok” she said and then I searched for food. When I saw a Starbucks branch over there I immediately go in to buy my favorite refreshment. When I got my drink, I went outside to look for more food but I bumped into someone. “I’m sorry” I said, when I look up I saw Niall for One Direction… “It’s okay….I’m the one whose supposed to be apologizing because I bu-” Niall stopped talking and look at me because I’m wiping his shirt to take away the drink I spilled to him. But then he just smiled at me and blushed “I’m really sorry about your shirt….. Why are you smiling at me?” I said waiting for his reply but all he did is just stare at me. I repeated my question this time with a bit louder voice “Why are you smiling at me?” “Oh I’m sorry….its just you’re very beautiful” finally he replied, I was shocked when he said that to me because no boy said that to me and I just blushed all the way “Again, I’m really sorry…. BTW I’m Nina…Can I make it up to you, Niall right?? “ Yep, and sure I would be delighted” He said while smiling “So what do you want to do? Eat? Play at the arcade? Or how about you come to my place later for some dinner? I can cook” I asked him wholeheartedly while smiling “Sure I could…. Just text me the address” He said smiling bigger than ever… After that conversation we exchanged phone number “Oh there you are Nina!” my mom said to me “Oh hey mom!! So see you later Niall??” “Ok see you later then, ByeJ” He said happily and we parted ways.

Niall’s POV

“I think it’s my lucky day” I said while smiling. When I got home I immediately texted Nina “Hi Nina!! So how are you? I’m so happy to see you later!!” .. “Well, well, well I think our Niall is in a good mood!!” Liam joked while going in my bedroom “Of course! I met a pretty girl at the mall earlier and we’re having dinner at her flat!” I said proudly while smiling “I think Niall finally found his girl” Zayn teased “Well you must invite her here next week!!” Harry said while smiling with a tone of teasing “Hey Harry she’s going to be mine!!” “Well let’s see about that!” He replied “Harry just go get yourself a girlfriend!! Niall’s got this gal!” Liam said to Harry. “Yeah! Thanks Liam!” “No problem mate” he said “ Well we’re not having the next tour until next month. So are you going to invite her here?” Liam said “I supposed so… Just say to Harry that she’s mine!” I said “Good! Ok I will tell Harry myself… I will invite the other gals here” “Sure it will be fun!!” I said….. Well I prepared myself first and then I said to the boys “I’m going to Nina’s flat now!” I shouted will going outside “I’ll drive you to her flat” Liam said “Sure!”. When Liam and I are in the car, Nina texted “So this is the address………..blah….blah….” “Thanks Nina” I replied “We’re almost there and I’m with Liam” I texted her……When we reached Nina’s flat, “So I’ll pick you up what time?” Liam said “Um I’ll just text you, ok?” “Ok. Just be careful……..there are.” You cut Liam and said “I will be fine ok? Now bye!” “Ok bye Ni!!” Liam shouted… I hesitated before I rang the door bell “Hi Nina!” I greeted “Hi Niall” she replied and I smiled “Come on in” she insisted “Thanks” I said “So… This is my flat… sorry if it’s small” “It’s ok… it’s beautiful actually” I said “Thanks”.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2013 ⏰

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