fifteen + jiminnie

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sorry that last chapter pissed y'all off

I didn't mean to run. First of all, I hated running of any kind. But I especially hated running from my problems.

He thinks I'm fat.

The thought ricocheted through my brain, knocking out all of my sense. Of course he didn't, right? But that's not what I was thinking then.

The door closed behind me, and I took a deep breath. In, and out. In, and out. I was practically calmed down by the time Jimin walked in, closing the door gently. "Hey," he said, his voice soft.

"Hi." It was quiet, the only sound being water droplets hitting the floor. He scratches the back of his neck before breaking the silence.

"Look, I saw what happened and I just wanted to tell you that's not what hyung meant at all," Jimin explains, running a hand through his wet hair.

"Oh, I know that," I said, smiling weakly. "It's just, um.." I trail off, unsure of what to say.

"I know." He takes a step forward. "I understand. But listen to me; there's literally nothing there. But if you think there is, then it's adorable." He poked at my stomach.

There was lively talking and joking, but nobody noticed. Not even Jungkook or V, who were sitting on either side of him. But I did.

It was Jimin. Earlier, when we went out to lunch, he barely ate anything. I just thought maybe he wasn't hungry, and paid no mind to it. But now, at the celebration, he wasn't even looking at the food, and hadn't touched anything, so I knew something was up.

"Jimin, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked. He snapped his head up and nodded, and we went inside.

"What'd you want to talk to me about, noona?" Jimin asked, taking a seat on the arm of the couch.

"You haven't eaten today, have you Jiminnie?" The small smile on his face fell, and his gaze went straight to the floor. He scratched the back of his neck, avoiding eye contact.

"I had breakfast.." he mumbled, his feet lightly scuffing the floor. "I don't even need to eat that much anyway.."

The silence was deafening. Jimin continued to find the ground more interesting than anything else. "Look, I've seen what they've been saying about you," I say, which causes him to look up. His mouth opens, but nothing comes out.

Recently, Jimin had been receiving a lot of hate comments, saying his was "too fat for Bangtan". Honestly, I had no idea where it was coming from, but Jimin himself was not taking it very well at all.

"You don't understand," he finally said, his voice cracking. He started rapidly blinking.

"I do understand, Jimin. But listen to me, this 'fat' your talking about? There's literally nothing there. But if you think something is there, then I want you to know that I find it adorable." I give a small poke to his stomach a small poke, and he squirms a bit with a small smile.

"You think it's adorable?" Jimin asked quietly.

"Of course; you're so cute, Jimin. Too cute to cry. But I want you to repeat after me, okay?" He nods. "I, Park Jimin."

"I, Park Jimin."

"Am perfect the way I am, and I don't need to change a single thing about myself."

"Am perfect the way I am, and I don't need to change a single thing about myself," he finished, and I smiled.

"It's the absolute truth, too." I open up my arms, and we hug. "I don't want you to listen to them, okay? Their opinion is so wrong, Jiminnie. We all love you just the way you are, okay?" He nods into my shoulder, and I can feel his tears wetting my shirt, but I didn't care.

"You're going to use my words on me, Jiminnie?" I ask, and he smiles, nodding.

"Chin up, buttercup. Okay?" Jimin says, and I nod, smiling as well. He pulls me into a hug, and I hug back instantly. "We can get through this together."

And here's where the tears come in. Damn you, Jimin; I'm not the one who actually has a problem here. It's you that has something to get through, so stop including me. I felt so selfish.

We head back outside, and I try to quickly wipe away the drops that had fell. Jimin decided not to get back into the pool for some reason, so I accompanied him. Yoongi looks at me, and I wave with a smile. He gives me a confused look.

I really hope things work out between us. Recently, we haven't been seeing each other very often, and we would both get upset easily. It couldn't end now, though. Not before I could say it.

"Hyung, noona, why aren't you getting back in the pool?" V asked, swimming to the edge.

"Who said we weren't?" Jimin said, pushing me in. I didn't mind, though. He laughed, jumping in as well. I swam over to Yoongi, who pulled me into a hug almost instantly.

"I- I'm sorry I-" he starts, but I cut him off with a small peck on the lips.

"There's nothing to apologize for," I say, smiling. He gives me another confused look.

"You were crying..?"

"Oh those weren't because of you." I turned my head and glanced at the other side of the pool. "Jiminnie just makes people an emotion wreck."

plus that was like 200+ words shorter than usual because i have the worst writers block ever
but sorry for disappearing lmao i spent the night at my friends and she doesn't have wireless internet??

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