One who Disobeys Shall Pay

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She got out of her car, a shiny Jaguar that arrogantly stood there, in the middle of the ghetto neighborhood. Morrone stood watching her boss, Sophia, step ever so close, seemingly bringing doom after her. Oh, how she wished she had a husband or at the very least, a boyfriend, to protect her from the click-clacking of her boss's heels on the hard ground. Like time was fast forwarded, Sophia was already on the porch. Morrone felt the loud sharp ring of the doorbell, which sent a spike down her spine. Hurriedly, Morrone opened the door and immediately regretted doing so. Now she was trapped. Now Sophia can toss her around and after that, chew her up till every piece of her body was gone.

She sat down and stretched out her legs and got as comfortable as possible in the situation. As if her worker didn't just do something unspeakable that could result in something rather...horrid. "Let's discuss this matter. Have a seat," Sophia calmly said. Morrone stood staring. "I said sit!" she demanded. As if the command snapped her out of her dream, Morrone quickly sat across from her. Morrone could not bring her eyes to her boss. Instead, she gazed far away into the mountains, like they would reveal the solution to all her problems.

Sophia began her long lecture. "So, Morrone. I heard rumors that you have a couple of photos hidden somewhere in your house. Is that true?" Morrone did not reply. She was where her soul was, and that was the asylum. Sophia continued, "Yes! It's all true, isn't it? Admit it! I can see the guilt in your eyes!" Still, Morrone did not answer. Her palms, however, clammy with sweat, gave her a signal full of pain. Morrone looked down and saw that it was not sweat she felt, it was blood. Then she remembered that she had burned her hands while burning the old woman's house. It was not the perfect time to remember, considering the conditions she was in currently. Sophia relaxed and said something not particularly comforting, "Morrone, it's all right! There comes a time when we all have to think! When the sweet side of you takes over! Look at me, Morrone. I'm not an easy women. I'm worth twice as much as a man, and ten times stronger than the strongest of men. I do not sway to emotions, I do not break easily, and I fulfill my goal." Sophia paused to take a deep breath, then continued, "But I once was weak too. When I was a younger firewomen, about your age, I had the same feeling. The feeling of regret. And I wondered, 'Why am I here doing such a random and terrible thing?' But I knew that even if I didn't like it, it's my duty and I have to do my job! That's how society works. Majority always rule. You want to be that one rebel, you won't make a difference!" Sophia paused for a while. Morrone was searching herself, inside, for what? Her soul. She must rip it out before it possessed her whole body. But didn't it already?

"Still not persuaded? Morrone, dear, think of it this way. We are helping the citizens in long-term ways. You may see this task as something savage and you're right, it is, but don't you think in the long run, we're actually helping people out? We're taking them out of their dreams so they can face reality. Those photos show of people from the past and relatives that already passed. Why do we need those photos, those photos that only cause grief and pain-" "Um, Sophia," Morrone managed to whimper, "What does happen to those who disobey?" Sophia's stern face changed into something even scarier, something that sent the message even louder and clearer. Then, with a whisper so sharp that Morrone had to lean forward to hear the words, Sophia answered, "One who disobeys shall pay." Morrone felt the scent of sweat on Sophia. She knew that Sophia would never turn back, never betray, her job. "So why should I? Why should I get myself into this mess?" Morrone thought.

Sophia stood. "So, anyways, in conclusion, I will be merciful and give you time to deal with your own issues. I will not interfere with your situation unless needed." "Unless needed..." Morrone repeated those words over and over again to herself. "We shall meet again, Morrone, and hopefully after that talk, I have persuaded you to do your job. If not, well, let's just say we'll cross at the wrong path." Then, glimpsing at the trembling face of her worker, she whispered, "Good luck, Morrone." Then, with a swish of her hair, Sophia swung herself out the door and disappeared in her luxurious car, without a goodbye. It was almost as if she had never been to the poverty-filled neighborhood. But that wasn't true. For one person, at least. Sophia's visit had just changed the path of Morrone's life.

Morrone took out the old photo from the secret loose floorboard. She was fully aware that she was committing the most terrifying crime of all crimes. She dusted it off and took a good, long look. Melting with emotion, she imagined herself becoming a photo, becoming just another memory long forgotten. No, that's not right. She wouldn't be long forgotten. She would change the world. She would become known as "Morrone, The Savior of Memories". The world after her reign would be a completely different one. It would be one twisted with emotion, where people would be there to comfort each other.

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