Broken Windows

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He needed air. Struggling to keep his cool stance, as soon the rehearsal of the dance was finished Onew rushed as fast as he could out through the door, careful to avoid any of the staff or his own team members. He pushed the heavy door open and let it close behind him, making sure the door was left unlocked so that he could return back safely. Once out, he stood in the empty dark alley and took a deep breath. He fiddled about with his inside jacket pocket and took out a small rectangular box. Sighing deeply as he stared down at the small box he took a cigarette and lit it before taking a deep drag. Onew felt his heart sink with all the added worries and thought flying through his head. The past two weeks he has kept it quiet from his own team members and the media. He was on the verge of a breakdown. It was the constant bad press and media attacking his own members. They have no idea about this because Onew has kept attention of the media away from his members. He tried his best. But he was feeling the pressure of the sleepless nights and the heavy press scandals attacking Onew himself that he isn't able to keep it stable any longer. He looked down at his cigarette and felt disappointed at himself for being a bad leader and not being able to keep them safe any longer. Shaking his head he lifted his hand that held the cigarette and brought it near to his now dried out pink lips. Before he could each take another puff he heard a familiar voice call out his name rather coldly behind him.

"Lee Jinki"


Key couldn't believe his eyes when he saw Onew stand there so helpless and all hope disappearing from him as Onew was slumped against the walls of the dark alley near the back of the studios; and that too, smoking. Key saw his Jinki hyung hurriedly leave the rehearsal as soon as they were done but before Key could go after him, he was stopped by the bickering of Jonghyun and Minho.

"YAH KIBUM, TELL MINHO HE'S DOING THE WHOLE LEGS MOVEMENTS WRONG!" Jonghyun yelled glaring up at the ever tall handsome boy known as Choi Minho. Minho lashed back at Jonghyun for making a big deal out of his small mistake during the rehearsals.

"WELL I WOULD BE DOING IT PERFECTLY FINE IF YOU STOP BUTTING YOUR ARSE IN AND TELLING ME WHAT IM DOING WRONG!" Minho growled at Jonghyun and then turned to Key. "ISN'T THAT THE WHOLE POINT OF US PRACTISING SO THAT WE GET THE MOVEMENTS RIGHT?" Key couldn't take the stupid arguments anymore and hushed them both with his deathly glare. When both boys noticed Key's unusual angry expression they both kept their mouth shut not wanting to cause an eruption from the almightly diva Key. Taemin came back into the studio room with a banana milkshake in his hand. "So what did I miss?" he asked sucking on his milkshake whilst staring between the quarrelsome three. Key shakes his head at both Minho and Jonghyun, to not to stare their petty arguments again. Key ruffled Taemin's head and asked " Taeminnie ah, will you take these morons with you to the cafeteria and I'll go and find Onew to come eat dinner with us yah?" Taemin nodded his head and grabbed both Jonghyun and Minho and pushed them away to the cafeteria hall since it was way past their dinner time and no one has yet eaten, they were all pretty hungry to argue when food was in the equation. Another reason to this was that Key partly wanted to get of his members so that he could find his Hyung. He knew what was going on, despite Jinki Hyung trying to keep all matters hushed, but he didn't let on that he knew of these matters so that he could let his hyung remain happy knowing he is happy, despite how selfish that may sound. Key waded through the crowd of staff and other groups in the building trying to spot the infamous long brown wavy mop of hair his hyung has been styled with. Key frantically was losing his cool when he couldn't spot Onew anywhere in the whole building. Key let out a frustrated sigh and then noticed a back door that was left unlocked. He walked towards it about to lock it when he thought of this being a little strange and decided to open the door to check no one was out there before locking it. As Key peeked his head out at the dark alley he noticed a dark familiar figure slumped against the walls. He was about to call when he noticed what state Onew was in. Anger, sadness, helplessness, frustration and a whole loads of emotions flared up in Key right there. Nothing was right. It felt too much and he coldly spoke out his name to grab his hyung's attention.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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