The Secret Playlist of Kurt

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This was just a very sweet scene which came to me. It's around the time Kurt and Blaine started dating – pretty much the first week or something, if I'm correct. Anyway enjoy the awkwardness!


"So, what do you wanna do?"

Kurt was playing nervously with his hands. Blaine was sitting on Kurt's bed and watching his boyfriend, just as nervous. Last time he had been in Kurt's bedroom he had been in a horrible hangover, so he didn't really remember anything. Much had changed since the last time Blaine had been here. First, now Blaine could just lean on and kiss Kurt. But he didn't. He was a gentleman.

For a moment Kurt and Blaine just watched at each other, and then started nervously giggling. It had been five days since their first kiss, and everything was so new and weird for both of them.

"What you want", Blaine said.

Kurt's head was spinning while he thought about the options. "Could we listen to music?"

Blaine smiled. "Sounds good."

Kurt found his earphones on his desk and put them into his iPod. Then he walked to Blaine and sat next to him on the bed. "What do you want to listen?"

Kurt's iPod was the most organised iPod ever, and Blaine had made fun of it plenty of times. Everything came with the categories.

"Can we listen something from there?" Blaine asked and pointed at Emotions-folder. That was the one folder Kurt guarded carefully, never letting anyone to listen the music from there. Blaine knew that, but he wanted to try if being boyfriends and all would change it.

Kurt blushed. "Okay", he said and clicked the folder open.

There was – of course – more folders in the folder, like: ":(" or "omggg" or "I'm SO much better than Rachel Berry" and... top of them all, "Blaine <3".

As Blaine saw it his eyes grew big. "WHAT is this?" he asked with a laugh.

"Don't laugh", Kurt said, red as a tomato. "I know, I know. You're dating a twelve year old girl."

Blaine laughed, flattered. "I think it's adorable. I think you're adorable."

Kurt rolled his eyes but couldn't keep a smile away from his face. "It's just silly."

"It's not silly. May I see what's inside of it, thought?"

Kurt blushed again. "Alright."

Blaine laughed and leaned over to kiss his boyfriend's cheek on a whim. Kurt pressed his head down, blushed as ever and smiled a little. Blaine swore that he had never ever ever in a whole existence ever saw anything that adorable.

Blaine took iPod from Kurt's hand and clicked "Blaine <3" -folder open. He was glad as he noticed it was mostly full of Katy Perry and Pink Blaine had sang on the Warblers. There was also Baby It's Cold Outside (with a text underneath it, "he sang it with me, does he like me or not???"), When I Get You Alone ("I hate Jeremiah"), and You Belong With Me.

"Really, Kurt? Taylor Swift?"

"What?" Kurt said. "I told you I was a twelve year old girl."

"Njah... Fourteen, to say the least."

Kurt laughed and poked Blaine gently to the arm. "Hush, you."

To answer, Blaine just reached out another earphone to Kurt, smiling, and put another one to his own ear. Then he put the playlist on. First one was Teenage Dream, and both boys sighed for delight as it started playing.

"We could – you know, if you want –" Kurt slurred and pointed at the bed underneath them. Blaine smiled, grabbed Kurt by the hand and took them both to lay to the bed so they were face to face. For a moment their hands were awkwardly looking for their places, and eventually Blaine's hands made their way around Kurt and Kurt snuggled on top of Blaine's chest to listen to his heartbeat. Both of them were little nervous about how another would react to the touch, and Kurt felt Blaine's heart beating just as fast as his own was.

Moment later they were relaxed, and Blaine started clumsily stroke Kurt's back. Kurt sighed happily, and Blaine got more confiedent and started drawing circles and little hearts agains Kurt's back. And Katy Perry was playing on the background.

"You know", Kurt said, smiling. "I could get use to this."

"Good, because I'm not going anywhere." Blaine pressed a kiss to his boyfriend's forehead.

"Good to know", Kurt said and snuggled closer.

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