The past

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Ryan POV


What is that? Oh yea it's my phone. Who is texting me? I wonder if that girl is still here


I sit up in my bed and grab my phone.

~ R=Ryan Higa A=Arden Cho~

A: Hey Ryan😄(9:32 Am)

A:😄😃😀(10:14 Am)

R: Hi what you doing??(11:12

A: you slept in late lol

R: yea Sean woke me up at 2am 😒

A: lol poor Ryan. Why did he wake you up?

R:Cuz he is a Zzzzz thief! 😂😂

A:lol well I gtg ttyl byeee😝
~done with text conversation~

Well I better get up, its almost lunch time.

/time skip\

When I get downstairs I see the Natalie girl playing with Marley and Teddy. She also has her dog sitting next to her. I want to talk to her about why she was outside at 2am but she seems like she is having fun.

"Your finally up?" Derrick asks

"Yea I had a hard time sleeping"I wonder where Sean is? "where is Sean?" I question

"I'm dead!!" Sean says as he slightly pushes me in the back. I practically jump!

"You almost have me a heart attack!" I laugh.

Natalie POV

These people are crazy! That guy who told me to come in waited in a hiding spot for 1 whole hours! just to scare the other guy! The dogs are awesome tho, people... kinda crazy.

"Okay so now that everybody is here, umm who is this little girl? kinda freaked me out to be coming down stairs and see a little girl on the couch" mustache guy asked.

"Natalie is my name and I could leave if you want," I say not giving eye contact to anyone.

"No no no, you have to stay here until we figure out what to do" said guy who scared guy.

"Can I know your names please? I don't know what to call you guys" I tell them

"Ok we'll I already told you my name, it's Ryan, that's will, sean, Greg, and Derrick" he says pointing to each individual guy, "and Greg me and Sean will tell you guys later" Ryan said

"Nah why not tell them? You most likely will just turn me into the police and I will have to go to an orphan house, Greg, I was walking outside at 2am and a dude tried to take my backpack. Ryan and Sean told the guy I leave me alone and he left. But no they had to take me in and now I'm here with you guys, not finding my parents!" I started crying, WHY!! I hate crying in front of anyone let alone these people.

How'd ya like it?? I start school on Thursday! 😢 rip to all the "we should hangout this summer". do any of you have pets?? I do. he is a morkie(half yorkie and half Maltese) he also has an Instagram page. if you want to see what he looks like it is _charliethemorkie_ I know so creative. I hope you liked this chapter suggestions and name ideas would be appreciated. Also a video of morkies are above too^
_panda_girl_ 🐼🐼

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