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I heard some chattering but I can't make out who it is or what they are saying.

I felt like I was beginning to be lifted on top of a bed and the bed starts moving.

What the hell is going on?

I try to open my eyes and I finally can see. My eyes were halfway open and my vision was very blurry. But I can make out the faces but I really don't know who the are...

I noticed that I was being carried out by a gurney and I slightly open my eyes and I see Luke holding my hand.

"Ali? If you can hear me squeeze my hand," I can't move! Oh my god... I can't squeeze his hand, I mean what if- what if he thinks I'm dead?! I'm NOT dead!

Luke! Luke!!

Ali... Shut up you idiot, he can't hear you.

Suddenly I heard doors being slammed shut and I looked in front of me and saw three nurses quickly moving.

"Ali, baby? Please, don't go...." I hear Luke. 

I felt a mask being placed gently on my face  and I fell asleep as the ambulance drove away.


I woke up to a very very bright light shining in my face...


I'm dead, oh m-
Oh wait never mind. It's just a lamp...

I'm alive! Yes!!

I feel things being attached to my body and something stinging my wrist. I instantly knew or at least remembered of what happened...

Suddenly I hear beeps.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

But then they start to slow down...
Including me. I feel like I'm getting weaker and weaker by every second. My body slowly relaxes.

"Oh my god! I need more doctors! ASAP!" I he yelling in the background, chattering too it echoes through the room.

The beeps gotten more slower and slower...

Beep......... Beeeep......... Beeeeeep..........

"Ali, no!" I hear yelling coming from outside the room and I knew it was Luke...

"Sir, Sir! You need to calm down!"
"I can't calm down because that is my goddamn daughter and she's dying!" I here Luke yell before the door slammed shut.

My body slowly relaxes on its own as if I'm being paralysed...

Doctor Patterson.
(I kinda threw him in this chapter also! :) okay you may continue!!)

"Need help!" I yell and nurses already began running into the room. They gave her breathing tubes and things to help her. I saw a puddle of blood where her arm is.

Oh my goodness...

I stare at the little girls wrist injury. She tried to kill herself... I've had plenty of patients who did the same... It makes me feel bad for them...

I bandaged the girls arm. After that, I noticed that the beeps instantly started to go back to normal.

After everything we put her in a room to stay in over night. I headed my way to the first floor to give out the news.

"Hi! I'm Dr. Patterson," i looked everyone that was in the waiting room. "Hey! Oh my god how is Ali?! Is she okay?!" I saw a pretty young girl that looked about that little girl, Ali I'm guessing, she looked around Ali's age. Somewhere between 16 or 17.

I gave everyone a look... I explained everything...

I stared at everyone and noticed that the girl was holding that boy that was yelling and made a scene back there in ER.

I got cut off a few times by his snores.

The girl looked as if she was going to cry,

"Everything is going to be alright, right now she's sleeping and she won't wake up until tomorrow!" I assured her. She sadly smiled. "Thank you," I nodded and smiled.

"You guys really need to get some sleep, especially get the boy in a bed because that can not be comfortable," I said pointing at the boy. I heard the girl chuckle when she looking at him...

I look at everyone and they had tear stains on their faces but one boy with red hair never stopped crying... Poor guy...


I slightly open my eyes feeling someone holding my hand and my view became clear and I see Luke just sobbing.

He sits there crying and he Looks at me. I don't think he know that I'm awake because my eyes can only open so far.

But he said something that made me want to keep my eyes closed so he'll continue...

"Ali, I know you can probably hear me and you might can't," he paused for a minute taking a deep breath and slowly exhaled and continued.

"There is something you really need to know-" Huh? What?

"I-" What is it?

He completely just slipped it out.

"I'm you're father..."


"I gave you up for adoption when you were born!" No, not true.

"Ali, I'm so sorry! I didn't want to but it was hard for me, I didn't know what to do! I couldn't raise a child on my own! I couldn't afford the things you needed when you were a baby, I was young when you were born. Your mum-" he stopped. I could feel his sobs and tears going through the blankets. He held my hand so tight. I can hear his whines when he tried taking deep breaths.

"Your mum died giving birth to you... She was so young..." He takes breaths before he continued. "I'm sorry Ali! It's my fault because of your depression... Ali, I love you, I'm sorry I never told you this beforehand. I should have." He finished.

So... I- I'm Luke's official d-daughter?? He gave me up?

Oh my god... Let me die now-

"Ali, baby-"

"Don't call me that..." I snatch my hand away from his. I can't believe him.

"I can't believe that you lied to me... You put me up for adoption... YOU put ME through hell... This is all your fault... I can't believe you didn't tell me. When I was with the last family I had... I was abused, tortured, beaten... I ran away and ended back in the orphanage for 15 years anD I WAS ADOPTED BY 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER AND I FIND OUT THAT LUKE FUCKING HEMMINGS IS MY REALLY FATHER?!" I yell.

Oh yeah, I have the strength to move now... As you can tell.

"Ali! I said that I'm sorry! I didn't know what to do!"

"Whatever... I don't understand why the hell you would fuck a girl and she ends up pregnant and then when she has the baby you put her up adoption..." I said in a cold way...

Luke just sat there crying like an idiot.

He should be...

I hate him... I really do..

If he gave me up for adoption and 15 years later he comes back for me?

What a fuck up...

Hi my loves!! How was it?? Was it good or bad?! Omfg. I'm sorry if it was bad!! :(


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