Chapter 1

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Kiba POV

"Kiba!" Hinata shouted as I was sent flying into the oceanwith Akamaru in toe. Darn that guy hits hard! But it wasn't his fist really, itwas a jutsu from the village Hidden in the Stone I think? My vision started tofade and I grabbed onto Akamaru before everything went black.

I opened my eyes slowly, my vision returning. I was on abeach near the ocean. What happened? Oh, right. I was on a mission with Shinoand Hinata.... And then me and..... "Akamaru?!" I shouted sitting up.

I was pushed back down. "The dog is fine. Relax." A softvoice growled. I looked to where the source of the voice came from and Inoticed it was a girl with black hair and hard green eyes. She wore some sortof jumgle clothes I guess, with no shoes, only things made of dried grass onher ankles. Her hair was in a ponytail .This chick sure dressed weirdly.

"Where am I?" I asked. "On anisland. I don't know the name but you're stranded here, just like I am." Shesaid and I sat up. "I'm Kiba." The words just poured out of my mouth. "I'm Rei."She replied barely looking over her shoulder. "I see you're a ninja." Shefrowned. I tilted my head. "Yep. From the Hidden Leaf." I said grinning. Hereyes widened and she whistled. A huge tiger appeared. "Holy freakin' daisies!"I shouted and she smirked at me. "What, you're not afraid of a little tiger areyou?" She asked in a teasing voice. I growled and the tiger walked over towhere Akamaru lay on the ground with a few leaves tied to his paws.

"What are you doing withAkamaru?!" I shouted glaring at the tiger and jumping for Akamaru. I regretthat. My body ached and I fell flat on my face. I heard Rei snicker.

"Don't get your panties in atwist. Hikari's just trying to help. Go on Hikari. Put him on your back andbring him to shelter. It's going to start raining soon." She said. She pickedup Akamaru and scrunched up her nose. "Do you have a problem?" I asked and shesneered. "No. I'm just a cat person." She replied waving and I was thrown ontothe tiger.

We walked for ten minutes andHikari and Rei stopped walking in front of a huge tree. And when I saw huge, Imean HUGE. In it was a tree house with two stories and windows, a door andeverything.

"You'll have to use your 'ninjaskills' because Hikari can't climb with someone on her back." Rei said and thenshe jumped from branch to branch until she reached the door. She opened it andstepped inside. I slipped off Hikari, clutching my arm in pain. "Oh! I wonderif dog would be good in a stew? How should I cook you?" She said loud enoughfor me to hear. Almost as if she wanted me to hear.

I was at the top in an instentand I saw her smirking and laughing evilly. "Well that got you here fast. As ifI would cook dog. You're really dumb." She said and placed Akamaru on a littlebed with a cat sitting there. It hissed and backed away. "A CAT?!" I shoutedpointing at it. "Yeah. So what? I told you already. I'm a cat person." Shesaid. "Oh, and that's Hikari." She said with a smirk. My jaw dropped to thefloor. "That little kitten was actually that huge and scary tigger?!" I shoutedand she looked at me with a look of disaproval. "Don't be so loud. And yesgenius." She said and seemed to notice my confusion and bewilderment. "It's myKekai Genkai. Hikari and I have been a team since I was a kid. I'm from ananimal handler clan. Like you I presume?" She said and I nodded. "You're reallyfrom an animal clan? I've never heard of any others. And wouldn't that meanthat you're a ninja?" I asked and she looked at the ground. "You've never heardof my clan, because it's extinct. I'm the last one, and I'm isolated here withno escape. I was a ninja. For the Hidden Leaf, just like you. I hate you ninja.I despise you people more then anything in this world. I don't know why Ihelped you. I guess I just felt bad for you that's all. The Hidden Leaf is justfull of lies and betrayal." She said and I glared at her slamming my hand onthe table in front of me ignoring the pain in my arm.

"I won't have you trash talkingmy village! You don't even understand the life of a ninja!" I shouted angerbubbling inside of me. Then I saw them, tears. I never thought she was the typeto cry. She seems so tough and ignorant. "I know full well! I was a chunin forthe Leaf! But you're the one who doesn't know anything! You don't even knowhalf of what horrors the Leaf Village has done!" She screamed taking me aback. "Iwas charged with killing my clan because I was the last one! I was charged withkilling innocent people because I was always near the murder scenes! They didn'tknow who to blame so they blamed me! Then after four years of blaming me, theybanned me to this island with no one! Isolated from everyone else! I was twelvewhen it happened! A twelve year old girl! I've never even fallen in love! I hadno friends either because the parents thought I was a killer! I tried to talkto you too, Kiba! But your mother pulled you away! I was so lonely and my onlyfriend was Hikari! Do you know how lonely and painful it was?! Being blamed forsomething you didn't do?! I've never killed anyone! Not even an enemy! I couldn'ydo it! I was too kind for my own good back then!" She shouted and I was takenaback by everything she told me. "I've put up a wall to seal all that pain, butit's breaking... Because of you." She said and turned around and walked up thestairs without a word.

Hikari looked at me with a sadexpression and ran after Rei.

I was in a state of shock. Did mymom really do that? Did the village really hurt a little girl? She's just likeNaruto.... No friendsat all. But she's got it worse then he did. He eventuallymade friends. He wasn't blamed for murduring people. He wasn't sent of to anisland to rot like the most dangerous villains. She has a reason to hate ninja.I would too, if I were in her shoes. It started pouring outside and I hoped itwouldn't wake Akamaru up. I want to make her see that not all ninja are likethat.

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