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Dean held his drink high as he navigated the crowd, pushing pass sweaty bodies, causing his drink to spill on the floor. He stumbled towards a group of girls and swayed his hips, obviously drunk.

''Killer party, huh?'' One of the girls said, Dean nodded, smirking, he took one of the girl's hand and leaded her to one the bathrooms. She giggled and touched the blue collar on his shirt, kissing him on the cheek.

Dean wasn't too excited. He always had a thing for.... men. Yes. He was bisexual. But he still loved to have some fun with chicks. That's how we rolls, he is Dean Winchester. One of the best hunters in the world.

While making he's way to the bathroom, he bumped into someone - looking up, he saw a blue eyed boy, brown hair, dressed in white and black. He couldn't help but look away. Dean's lips felt uncomfortably dry. The man's eyes not breaking contact with Dean's, it was... awkward. Yet, it felt like the only people who were alive was him and this stranger.

The stranger broke eye contact, blinking. He shyly smiled and went back to his spot where the bar is. Dean had no time for recovery, he let go of the girl's hand and immediately went to the stranger. Something about him - was just amazing, dean felt like he was falling. And that's one of his fears - Falling.

''Hey, I uh... I saw you back there.'' He said. Struggling to get the words out. ''Yeah. Sorry about that, I just have a habit of starting at beautiful men at really awful times.'' The stranger replied after a short moment, smiling at the end and looking at his bottle of alcohol.

''So.. what's your name?'' Dean asked. Wanting to know this beautiful man's name.

''My name's castiel, you?''

''I'm Dean..Dean Winchester.''

''Hey, Dean, do you mind if I give you my number? I mean, maybe you could call me sometime?'' Castiel asked, winking.

''Sure.'' he giggled, handing him his phone so cas could pound his number in it.

well, he wasn't thinking about pounding he's number in the phone - Perhaps, he was thinking something else involving a bed.


GUYS. Look, This isn't the BEST. I know that I sort of messed up things but I want to correct those on the way so don't comment it. Please vote and comment/add to your library. If you haven't noticed, the book is about destiel (dean + castiel on the tv show Supernatural.) So.. YEAH I'll update again. Soon :-)


Dean let out a exhausted groan as he threw himself in his bed, he was tired after spending all of his night talking to Castiel, the stranger he met hours ago. Something about him just, made him special. And he is determined to found it out.

After a couple of minutes, he was sound asleep. Drifting off into a deep sleep, just thinking about cas.


''Urgh.'' Castiel let out a soft groan, being woken up by a buzzing fun is the most annoying thing ever, but he jolted up of bed thinking that if would be dean.

''Cas', do you want to go to ..uh.. movies? later? 7 pm?'' The screen reads, Castiel's lazy eyes scanning the text from dean, immediately interested into the event.

''Sure. I'll pick you up, alright? Maybe we could.. go to dinner & a movie? ;)'' Castiel typed, adding a winky face. Anyways, at the end of the day maybe it wouldn't actually end up being a movie.

Dean texted okay, after that, they both went to work. Cas works at a Pharmacy, and dean... well... Dean is a hunter. Yes, a hunter. Demons, Ghosts, Ghouls, he hunts them and kills them. he was really not ready to tell Castiel since it would freak him out.

But. He wanted to be completely honest.

''Sam!'' dean yelled across the hotel room, Sam was his younger brother. They both hunt, because their dad raised them into it after... their mom died.

''yeah?'' Sam comes into the living room wearing a towel on he's hair.

''Uh.. tonight I'm going out. So will you be okay here by yourself?'' ''Uh, yeah. Yeah I will.'' Sam replies.

Dean nods and goes back to reading the demon books for the small hunt they need to do in the afternoon.

The hunt was a pack of demons in the park, taking over childs bodies and stuff. So after that, I'll have to get ready for the night I have with Castiel. I can tell, it wouldn't just be a movie and a dinner.


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