monster high

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hunter: so uh clawd I really want to meet this girl friend of yours

clawd: okay fine let me just..

Dracularura:  hi clawd. who's. this?

clawd:  oh this is hunter, hunter this is my ghoul. Dracularura

hunter: uhhh..

Dracularura: oh do I look that bad

clawd: no you look amazing

raven:  hey Dracularura you coming ?

Dracularura:  just a sec bye clawd

daring: sup bros have you met the new girls I kinda like. the one in pink

clawd: ahem

daring:  look dude I have dibs Im going to ask her out

daring walks up to the table where the group was talking

male. narrator:  this is going to end badly

daring : excuse me but I wanted to know if you'd. like to go out with me

daring. flashed. his teeth but Dracularura. wasn't. impressed

Dracularura: sorry but I already have a boyfriend

daring:  what who?

clawd: look behind you

daring:  oh hehe sorry

raven: so this is your boyfriend?

Dracularura:  yes

clawdeen:  so.. ghouls. have you seen the dorms.

Frankie:  yeah its just not the same. as home

lagoon:  you got that right mate

apple:  so do you guys love your new dorms

all: yeah (sarcastically)

apple:  oh good

deuce: where's. my cleo

cleo: deucy thank RA your here

deuce: so what I miss?

clawd: only daring. running. scared

deuce: cool

Dexter:  have. you seen my brother? 

both: (laughing )

hunter: hey do you guys want to play book ball. after school?

clawd: sure whatever that is

hunter: great

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