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(n.) something that can bring back a lost love


He was determined to find her, whatever was left of her and confess the words he'd had left. Peter wanted to apologize, explain that he was trying to get back to her, he had every intention to go back for her after he saved whatever family he could.

Taking in the scent that lingered on her necklace, his eyes went a bright blue as he let his wolf take over. He jumped from the window in the loft landing light in his toes before taking off where the scent led him. Peter wasn't sure how long he ran for, but he was vaguely aware of the burning in his calves and his lungs pleading for a break so they could receive some fresh air but that didn't stop him. He kept going until he reached Devenford, the next town over.

Suddenly he froze, his whole body tensing up as his senses picked up on the fragrance he'd been searching for. His eyes flowed in the nighttime, darting around the tree dense area until they locked on a figure far away. The dark silhouette wasn't facing him, but he knew those curves from anywhere, he knew that perfectly messy blonde hair like he knew himself. "Impossible."

Jumping at the sound of his voice, she looked at him, her skin was dirty and covered in scratches, bruises and blood but she made no effort to answer him. Instead, her own set of blue eyes just stared at him trying to gauge what his reaction would be.

"Andrea, is that you?"

Cautiously, Peter took another step forward, his hands raised before him as an act of surrender, his wolffish features fading away until he was left with his vulnerable human self. Pain filled blue eyes remained completely engaged with the woman before him, each move he took forward the more he was able to see of her.

"It's me, Peter. Can you talk to me?"

"You shouldn't be here," Her voice cut through the night air like a knife through an apple.

At the very sound Peter's eyes watered, his throat being blocked by the choked air that struggled to make its way through. "You're alive," His words came out choppy and broken. "How is that possible?"

Now looking worried, Andrea looked behind her, blonde hair whipping around at the harsh movement. "You shouldn't be here, Peter you have to leave now. She's going to get you, run. Leave, leave now!"

Doing the exact opposite of what he was told, Peter darted towards her, his hands encasing themselves around her body and for a split second he could feel her. He touched her skin, her cold tanned skin was on his own and just like that it vanished along with her. "Andrea," He yelled through the night, his heart breaking all over again as his brain slowly came to the realization that she was gone yet again, but Peter wasn't letting that be the end of it.

Shifting like it was second nature, he followed the scent he had of her, a frenzy awakening inside of him as the small hope he'd started with glowed brightly like a raging sun. He stopped when the scent faded and disappeared, his bright blue eyes fizzling back down to his cold azure. "You saw it too?"

Kyle stood there, his body leaning against a tree, green eyes dull and sad. Two large hands were intertwined with one another as his worn leather jacket kept his build warm. "Kyle?"

"She stayed longer this time," He confessed to the Hale. "Doesn't usually speak, though. I should've known you'd be the one to make her talk. It always ends right here."

"What is happening?"

Kyle Miller, Andrea's older brother looked up to meet his gaze. "I think my sister is alive, but she is being held down by something or someone. I don't know what exactly but something is holding her back from coming home."

"That's why you came to me."

"Her body's been missing for months now, I tried to find her on my own but I was hoping you'd be able to find something I couldn't and there you go."

Peter's features softened, his brows furrowed as his mind tried catching up to what the man before him was saying. "She's been missing for months and you just now came to me?"

"Andrea is in danger, you heard her back there. Something is after her and she's trying to protect you just like she was before and I won't be able to help her, only you can."

"I don't even know how to find her again."

"You don't find her, she'll find you." Kyle whirled his head in the direction of the jewelry that was secured on Peter's neck, his only piece of her. "She saved you last time and I hated you for it. But now she needs you and you better help her."

Peter's breathing was labored, the whole situation making his body lose the ability to work. His body was numb but he could feel and hear every deafening beat of his own heart. "I will, I'll do anything for her."

"I know."

Peter Hale remained frozen in place, the image of Andrea continuing to flash behind his eyelids with each blink.

Her beautiful blond hair.


Those captivating ocean blue eyes.



She was there and he felt her, he smelled her, he was there with her. Peter had her back for a split second and he'd use every single breath he had left in his body until he could have her again.

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