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  Hello! My name was Amanda Todd and I was in seventh grade. My friends and me were talking to strangers via video-camera to meet new people. The guy on the webcam called me beautiful, stunning, and perfect. He asked me to flash him ... I thought about it. I eventually did and about one year later I got a message on Facebook from a guy saying, "If you don’t put on a show for me, I'll show your boobs on the internet." I don't know how he knew so much about me, but he did... He guy knew my address, school, and my family's names. During Christmas Break I got a knock on my door at four in the morning. The police said that my boobs were sent to everyone and put on Facebook! I got sick, anxiety, and got into drugs and alcohol. My anxiety got worse, and I had a panic attack.  

 For some reason my boobs were his profile picture, and when I moved somewhere else, he saw my list of new friends. I lost all my friends, I didn't have any respect, and I cried every night. Nobody liked me and I could never that photo offline... it's there forever. I decided to start cutting myself. I had promised myself that I'd never cut again. It wasn’t fair I had to sit at lunch alone because nobody liked me. Once again I switched schools. Everything got way better, even though I sat at lunch alone still. A year later, I started to talk to one of my old friends. He told me he liked me, but he had a girlfriend. He hooked up with me and it was the biggest mistake ever. One day, I went outside, and his girlfriend and fifteen other girls came. Two of the girls said, “Look around, nobody likes you.” IN FRONT OF MY NEW SCHOOL..... A guy had yelled and punched her already. The girl threw me on the ground and punched me several times. I felt like my life was a lie... Teachers ran out, and I ran and hid in a ditch... I thought that guy liked me, but he just wanted sex. Later on my dad found me. I just wanted to die! When my dad took me home, I drank bleach. I thought I was going to die, but I didn't and I knew I made a huge mistake. My life never got better, and I wished I had someone.

                  A month after I told my story to the world on the internet... I killed myself, ending it all.

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