Chapter 4

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*ding goes Anna's phone*

Bella- bitch I'm here, imma just walk in

Anna- ok

Anna, guess what I brought for my beautiful bestie in the whole wide world.... Says Bella

What.....? Responds Anna all confused

Joshs number :) he finally said its ok for me to give it to you, responds Bella

Oh well now it's not an issue I found someone different.... He's 17 and really sweet, i think in my opinion he's better than josh so keep it I could care less. Responds Anna

Wow that's a shock just last week we just got into a fight over josh and now you could care less about him? Where was I when this new guy came into the picture? Ask Bella

I was afraid to tell you.... I didn't want you thinking different from me because I found someone else.... Answers Anna

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