Chapter 9 - Not What I Expected

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So sorry I take a while to update! I started school and I have just been crazy with homework! But I love getting voting, comment and other notifications from you all!

*Beca's POV*

I woke up at about 9 AM, (although I can usually sleep in till one) and I looked down to find Chloe's arm wrapped around me. I smiled then rolled over a little and kissed her on the forehead. I gently pulled her arm off carefully as not to disturb her of her peaceful sleep. She started to move, I closed my eyes and scringed my face thinking I woke Chloe up. I opened one eye to see if she had eaten up, phew, she was just re-adjusting her position. I think I'm going to do something and make her really happy when she wakes up...

I got dressed and ate some breakfast, then I left the dorm and closed the door quietly, just to make sure I wouldn't wake Chloe.

I started to walk to Jesse's dorm. It took me about 10 min to get there, but when I got to his door, I was way nervous to knock. I was probably standing outside for like 5 min till I finally gained the courage to knock on the door. I heard someone's feet shuffling to the door, I hope I didn't accidentally wake Benji.

Slowly the door opened and I could tell that I had woken up Jesse because he had some major bed head and had the dark circles under his eyes (which makes everyone look tired.)
"Becs what are you doing here so early?" Jesse said rubbing his eyes to wake up.
"Can I come in?" I was fidgeting with my hands.
"Sure, yeah of course." He closed the door after I walked in.
"So what's up babe?" He asked.
I frowned a little bit when he called me babe.
"Jesse I really need to tell you something, but I'm pretty nervous to tell you." I said as I sat on the couch.
"You can tell me anything" he said staring in my eyes.
"I don't think I have feelings for you anymore." I said kind of looking down from his eyes.
"Wait what? Are you breaking up with me?"
"Kind of..." I said still avoiding eye contact.
"What do you mean kind of? Becs look at me and tell me what's wrong." He grabbed my chin and tilted it upward so I would look at him.
"I just don't have feelings for you anymore, I like... I like someone else." I started to look down again unknowingly.
"Is it something I did?" Jesse said in a sad tone.
"No it's not you, I just like someone else."
"I prefer not to say.."
"Beca you have to tell me."
"Alright, I have feelings for Chloe." I whispered quickly and quitely.
"Chloe..?" He sounded so confused. "I thought you were straight."
"I thought so too..."

*Chloe's POV*

I woke up at about 10 AM only to find that Beca wasn't by my side anymore. I was a little sad, but I didn't think much of it, she's probably in the kitchen or something. So I got dressed and brushed my teeth and went to the living room. "That's odd, I guess I'm the only one home."

I went to the kitchen then poured some milk in a bowl and got some Honey Nut Cheerios. When I was about half way through the bowl I heard a knock on the door, so I went to go open it thinking Beca had forgotten her keys or it was one of the Bellas. But when I opened the door it was Tom.
"Tom? What the hell are you doing here?" I did not want to see his face.
"I'm drunk and I'm horny let's do this!" He said as he struggled to take off his belt.
"Fuck off Tom! I don't want your dick!" This is NOT how I wanted to start my morning.

He grabbed me and started rape kissing me. I was yelling while his mouth was on mine and shoved him off of me. He slapped me and I fell to the floor, once I was down he punched me in the face, and I was unconscious.

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