Unknown answer

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The air was crisp. Cool to the touch. I could feel the soft breeze drape around my shoulders as if I were wearing a coat with holes in it. Still the grey eyes that shined with knowledge stared at me.

It frightened me. Why wasn't he answering my question.

My breath caught in my throat when a rich laugh filled the air and footsteps thudded from above. I looked hurriedly at the descending stair case as the sound grew closer.

I locked eyes with Sebastian's ice cold one's one last time before he winked and vanished. It literally felt like my heart dropped from my chest. I was so close, so close to the answer I had been waiting for.

I had little time to dwell on that before a boy about the age of nine came racing down the stairs carrying a long bendy green noodle tucked under his thick arms. He stopped to look at me before dashing down the rest of the stairs. What in the world? I shook my head, suddenly feeling hot and sticky from the moist air. I grabbed locks of my hair, walking down the rest of the stairs, before tying it up in a secure ponytail.

"over here", my grandma called from across the lobby, waving a hand in my direction. I jogged over, nearly tripping on the upturned carpet. That made me think of the kid from earlier. He Probably did it on his way to the pool.

"Took you long enough", she cackled, humming to herself as she pulled me outside the hotel by my good hand.

"you seem less nervous", I commented. In all honesty her face was relaxed and she looked younger, like what she did when I was a kid.

She cast me a glance as we got into the taxi. "Well, can't help showing up nervous, just makes you look sick", she mumbled.

"what is the meeting going to be about", I whispered, sneaking a glance at the driver to see if he was listening. He simply pulled from the curb and began his route to the pack house.

"you see deary, the vampire had attacked your grandpa and I, which basically means that this guy isn't playing around. The thing is though, they think they know who it is that wants you... Because see the thing is it all ties to a prophecy", she huffed. My mind was reeling. How had my life gone from bad to worse. I thought it just wasn't possible.

"now quit asking questions, that's what the meeting is for ", she ordered. The rest of the ride was silent. I didn't want to stress her out, or myself for that matter.

As we pulled up to the familiar pack house my body shuddered with nerves . I began to feel sick. What if I couldn't handle coming face to face with my mate. Or Samuel for that matter. There was this prophecy I was tied too. That frightened me.

"don't look so nervous sweetie", my grandma said sympathetically when she saw the frown on my face as we got out the car. I was too lost in my own thoughts to realize we were headed toward the door. My palms sweated furiously. It felt like the first day of school all over again.

As we walked into the house our attention immediatly went to the brightly clothed girl leaning against the wall. Her face was masked with annoyance but instantly lit up when she saw us.

"Margret , I am so happy to see you again.. Well not under these circumstances", she mumbled. My mind clouded over as she greeted me. That's when I remembered who she was.

"Sharlett, right, hi", I mumbled . She looked me up and down slowly, making me blush before I caught her smirk.

"you look nice, so does your grandma", she purred. My grandmother smiled widely at her.

"why aren't you a bundle of compliments", she purred sickly. I laughed and took her by the arm.

"remember, meeting", I whispered into her ear. She nodded and with a small wave we went straight into the room.

That's when all hell broke loose .

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