<10> the song of Red

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After I took my shower and changed into a clean pair of clothes, Blue and I headed back to the Maureine.

"So I'm gonna introduce you too my employees and see if I can get you a job." He tells me with a smile.

"I'm not really good at remembering orders." I blush looking down at our joined hands. I just hope my pack doesn't do anything to cause trouble.

We enter and the green haired bar tender was replaced by a curly haired ginger. Her hair was wild but amazing. "Hey Lana." Blue smiles at her. She waves back and looks at me shocked.

"What are you doing here?" The manger walks up to us. She was a very quick Latino woman.

"Well I was wondering if you could give Red here a job?" Blue says awkwardly. Well she seems to scare him.

"We aren't hiring anyone, unless she can sing." She says. 'We can sing.' My wolf wags her tail. In the shower, but not in public.

My face turns red. "I can, I just don't-" She cut me off.

"Show me." She grabbed my arm and pulled me on stage. She went down to the tables and sat down. All the other employees came out to watch as well. I can't do this. I looked around panicking. 'Yes we can, just look at our mate and sing.' My wolf tells me calmly.

I looked into Blue's eyes and he nodded with encouragement. Alright, lets do this. "I still hear your voice when you sleep next to me, I still feel your touch in my dreams, forgive me my weakness, but I don't know why, without you it's hard to survive." I sing hearing the song in my head.

"Wonderful." The manger clapped making me notice all the other workers staring at me. "So when do you want to start?" She asks with a smile.

"Mare take it easy on her." Blue shakes his head as he walks up to me. "She isn't just some show girl, she's a singer." He smiles at me holding my hands.

"Alright, but we need to make set hours and days." Mare says looking at us.

"Alright." I say with a smile at my mate.

We walked off stage and walked to the back with the other employees. "So are you together?" Candy asks with her hair in pigtail braids.

"Yeah." I say with a smile.

"Didn't know you had a girlfriend." A blonde guy says.

"This is my girl Red and this is the other waiter Brendan." Blue introduces us.

"It's nice to meet you but you can call me Bren." He shakes my hand.

"You too." I smile as I let go of his hand.

"Welcome to Mauveine." He chuckles before going to check on something.

"He's different." I say with a shrug.

"You haven't met Miguel and Sherri." Candy smiles at me. Oh great I get to meet everyone.

"Don't worry they aren't bad." Blue smiles happily.

"Well we are setting up for lunch." Candy says. "So I'll talk to you later." She says scurrys off.

"Well I guess we'll just have to introduce you all the employees. Don't worry they will love you, but not as much as me." He kisses me softly. Okay with him by my side I can do anything. I just hope he will be there forever.

Hey so I'm introducing more characters to make the story line go smoothly. What's going to happen is going to be super awesome.

The title was because she was to become the singer. And the song is every time we touch by cascada.

So ask me anything, tell me what's on your mind, and just comment. I want to hear all your thoughts, don't be shy.

And vote for you being awesome.

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