I Cheated.. : AmeCan

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“Fuck fuck fuck…” Alfred muttered, throwing his sheets in the washer and flipping it on. Then, he quickly started putting on a new sheet, cursing more as the fabric seemed to wrestle against him. He had to fix everything…make it look normal…like nothing happened…Before his partner returned home. Of course, no matter what he did, it wouldn’t erase what /did/ happen.

He cheated.

The American wasn’t proud of it. Actually, he felt guilty as hell. /I’m so fucking stupid…/ He thought, finally forcing the sheets to their proper place on the bed. Though, he would try to forget it, just put it behind him, act like nothing happened. After all, Alfred loved his partner, and couldn’t handle seeing the other look so betrayed. Then why did he do it? Honestly, the blonde wasn’t too sure himself. He just felt a little…lonely. Especially since he lost his job, and his partner worked most of the day, leaving him alone in their house. Sure, he was constantly hunting for a job, hating that his partner had to pay for most things now, but today he just couldn’t concentrate on anything. The loneliness and slight neediness overcame him, so he went out on a walk, where he happened to run into an old…friend. One thing lead to another and now Alfred found himself making sure there wasn’t any sign of someone else being over, checking every inch of his home for evidence. Once he was sure he was in the clear, the American sat on the edge of his bed, running a hand through his hair. /Just try to forget… It won’t happen again…/ He thought, but couldn’t help the slight…adrenaline he felt from the whole thing. The weird rush of a sudden, steamy affair played through his mind. That sort of excitement hadn’t happened in a while for him, but again, he told himself that it wouldn’t happen again. So, he did his best to push the thought from his mind, hoping that his partner coming home would remind him of his loyalty.

Madeline scoured for the house keys in her purse, murmuring under her breath as she had finally found them. She placed it into the lock as she pushed the door open, holding a few groceries since she was going to try to fix her and her partner a nice little meal for that night. 

"I-I'm home, Alfred!" she chirped through the house, smiling to herself as she walked into the kitchen as she placed the paper bags onto the table. The Canadian girl just pulled off her beret, sitting it down upon the side of the house along with her jacket since it had been raining outside, after a long day of work.

Stranger: (( That's fine~ ))

Alfred jumped a bit, quickly standing from the bed and inhaling deeply. "I'll be down in a sec!" He called, taking another moment to make sure he could smile properly, then made his way downstairs. "Hey, babe~" He greeted, stepping into the kitchen and hugging her from behind.

You: The girl smiled gently as she glanced up at him. "Bon'jour, Alfie." she had beamed, for she was half French in her terms. Her violet eyes sighed lightly, as she couldn't help but chuckle lightly. "Ah, you should've seen that day at work I had. I might be getting a promotion." Madeline smiled to herself, this being a large resolution for the Canadian.

Stranger: "Really? That's awesome, Maddie!" He replied, smiling and resting his head on her shoulder lightly. /Nothing happened... just act like nothing happened.../ He repeated in his mind. "That boss of yours is finally seeing how amazing you really are." He added.

You: "I guess so," she beamed in her soft tone of voice, nuzzling into him faintly. "So, how was your day, honey?" she asked, looking up at him with a crafted smile still yet.

Stranger: He gave a light shrug. "Oh, just the usual hunting for a job and failing miserably..." He said, which was /partly/ true...

You: "Hey, don't be like that. I'm sure you'll find your calling soon." Maddie said with that wondering expression of hers.

Stranger: Alfred held her securely, nuzzling his face in her hair. "Just... thanks... for being so amazing..." He mumbled, the guilt creeping up on him again.


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