Loki's Punishment

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AN: Trigger Warnings: Torture.

Disclaim: Characters belong to Marvel.

Chapter One

Loki sobs against the harsh metal gag in his mouth, choking down his pained screams. Another tear slips down the god's ruined face as he remembers how he got to this point.


Loki kneeled down in front of the All-Father, his blood pounding in his ears. He was going to die, he just KNEW it. His green eyes darted around the room nervously before falling back to the floor. Meanwhile, Thor stood by in the shadows, unnoticed. The All-Father had forbidden him from being present during this brother's trial... but he had to know what was to become of Loki. Blue eyes widened in shock as they met emerald green ones filled with tears and regret. Suddenly, Odin clapped his hands together and Loki drew his gaze to the king, doing his best to ignore his brother in the shadows.

"Loki No-One's son," begun Odin, Loki flinched visibly and Thor's mouth went dry. However, the other members of the court, many people Thor had long believed that were him and Loki's friends, snickered and openly laughed at the distraught former prince. "For your crimes against Jotunheim, Asgard, and Midgard, you are to be chained in the deepest prison by unbreakable bonds that will take your magic. A snake will be placed above you to drip it's poisonous venom upon you until you die or Ragnarok comes," announced Odin, and Loki trembled visibly in fear.

Guards dragged Loki upright and away, the brother's gazes never leaving each other's until the last possible moment, when a tear silently dripped down both of their faces. Once everyone had filed out of the great hall, the blond prince walked over to where Loki had been kneeling and saw the message scribbled hastily in his brother's blood.

'I'm sorry, brother. For everything.' Thor let loose a sob and sunk to the floor before his grip tightened on his hammer, Mjolnir, and a growl formed in the back of his throat. He would get his brother back, one way or another. Of course, his brother had no way of knowing that.

~End Flashback~

Loki attempted to howl in agony as another drip of black venom fell from the snake hanging above him. The pain scorches through him, a white-hot poker stabbing through his veins, burning them up before freezing them dry. Blood drips down Loki's jaw from the cuts made by the muzzle and he looks out the only window in the cell. Seven months. Seven months he had been down here, and he wasn't sure how much longer he could last.

Loki slumps against the rough stone floor, angling his body so the same spot would not be struck over and over again. Unfortunately, he was quickly running out of space. Loki goes rigid as he is crudely yanked out of his thoughts by the pain blossoming on his back. Suddenly, the cell door swings open, and there stood the one person he thought he would never see again: Thor. Loki's heart fills with hope at the thought that maybe, just maybe, Thor would help him, save him. However, Loki banishes the notion as quickly as it came, Thor would not disappoint his father.

Kneeling next to his brother, Thor reaches out towards the muzzle, only to draw back as Loki finches away, trembling in fear. "Oh brother, what have they DONE to you?" whispers Thor in anguish, and Loki thrashes again as more venom drips off the obsidian walls.

Determined, Thor reaches towards Loki again, more-or-less holding the raven haired god still as he rips the muzzle from his brother... as gently as possible, of course. However, Thor is too slow in retreat and a drop of venom lands on his arm. Thor cries out in agony and steps back, clutching his burned hand to his shirt.

"Thor! A-Are you alright? I'm sorry, I shouldn't have panicked, I'm so sorry-" Loki is cut off as he spasms in pain again, only being supported by the rune-marked chains.

"It's fine, Loki. It's all right, brother," reassures Thor, removing a piece of his armor. Loki watches through half-lidded eyes, and both of the brothers realize something the same minute.

"Brother... Please, don't watch. I'd rather you not see it," murmurs Loki, another tear slipping down his burned face. "I don't want you to watch me die," he says, drinking in his brother's golden form for the last time. The last drop of venom slips from the coiling, red serpent's fangs, it's black eyes glinting with hate. Loki shudders as the drop falls down, and time seems to slow. It is almost upon Loki's shoulder... when a strong, tanned hand reaches out and catches it. Thor shudders, his breathing ragged. "Thor! You can't! The All-Father-!"

"I don't care," barks Thor, taking the piece of armor and holding it above the two brothers, using it as a shield. Thor carefully sets the now tarnished silver metal upon the two pillars, so it would stay in place without him. Thor kneels down next to Loki, and it was only then that the youngest prince could see the tears sparkling in his brother's eyes. "I'm going to get you out of here, just hold on," whispers Thor, glancing around nervously. "I... have a plan. A crazy, stupid plan. I'll be back as soon as I can, the armor should hold the venom long enough," explains Thor, and Loki nods wearily, sagging against the chains, his bloody wrists screaming in protest. Thor wraps his arms around his brother and repositions him, careful not to aggravate the wounds.

Thor tears out of the cell as fast as possible and flies towards Heimdal, the gatekeeper. 'Till Ragnarok' Odin had said. So, Thor was planning on tricking the Aesir into thinking Ragnarok had arrived. Thor carefully snuck behind the gatekeeper, though he knew it was pointless, as Heimdal could see all. Turning, the golden guardian holds out the horn that would warn the gods of Ragnarok, and winks at Thor. "Thank you," breathes Thor, taking the horn. Heimdal nods and turns around as Thor puts the horn to his mouth and blows.

In the cell, Loki watches in shock as the chains vanish and he scrambles away from the serpent before resting against the rock wall. A slow smile forms in his face, and he waits for his brother to return.

In the castle, the Aesir freeze and turn towards the sound of the horn, horror plain on their faces. Everyone scrambles to prepare, except for Queen Frigga and Lady Sif, whom share a knowing smirk.

At the edge of the newly repaired Bifrost, Thor smiles, thanks Heimdal, and returns to his brother, whom was resting against the rock wall and taking shallow breaths. "Loki, it worked!" smiles Thor, and his brother gives him a weak smile in return.

"Aye, that it did. Oh, and you were right about it being crazy and stupid. Excessively so," murmurs Loki, and Thor gives a great, booming laugh.

"Come, brother. Mother and Sif are waiting to help us escape," explains Thor as he more-or-less picked up his wounded, raven haired brother. They exit the cell and head to the palace.

Far away, Heimdal smirks from his position behind Odin. It is high past time his King be knocked down a peg.

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