Carcey Vale

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You woke up in your bed, but it wasn't your bed. It was a new bed you got when you moved here in Carcey Vale, your parents didn't want you to have the same bed they said because it was dirty but you knew it was because they didn't want to bring it with them, it was a queen size but here you have a single person bed, it's brand new but not roomy. You look around and see half you things unpacked and you look through a box for your tooth brush, it's there right where you left it next to your (wiiU/Ps4/Xbox), you got that last Christmas and it still looks brand new. You walk over to the bathroom before your parents and start brushing your teeth and think about your day. It was Monday and your parents already had you enrolled here to finish the year and you look up at a wall clock to see its 6:48. school is in another hour or so, but your used to getting up now, you finish with your morning routine and go back in your room and look at a trunk with your TV on it so you can connect your gaming console, you figured there's plenty of time and hook it up and start playing until 7:30 then you head down stairs eat breakfast and walk out to an oncoming school bus coming to your house. As it pulls up in front of you, you're wide awake already and start boarding it, everyone seems normal except some large ginger kid in back, he's with his friends but he stands out most, not the hair...but something else.

You ignore him for the rest of the ride and the bus pulls up to the school, for a school it's pretty nice and large. You exit off the bus and make your way to the school's office for your classes and a map of the school, it's larger than you expected with a ground floor, basement and 2 more buildings in back with many expansions the school is pretty state of the art for a small town, maybe the mayor's office wanted to turn the town into a larger city. No matter, you make your way your first class, English and walk down the halls to your class when you enter the class is rowdy but that's because there's no teacher yet... you stand on the side of the class quiet when the teacher walks in and yells and someone named Grubbs and Loch, an odd name, and you turn to see who it was it was the large ginger and his friend who was a little smaller an had black hair. While everyone sits down the teacher introduces you to the class and tells you to pick a sit, next to Grubbs in the back or right in front of the class. By default, as the new kid in front is never safe, you go to the back where Grubbs is he's already bored out of his mind as the teacher starts lecturing about whatever, you knew this anyways so you didn't bother to pay attention but you do pretend to take notes while secretly glaring over at Grubbs. Before you say anything the bell rings, time for Math...

Math was boring as ever back in (home City) but you imagined it to be different here. Nope. same boring lecture and boring everything. You still understood why it was needed so you did pay attention until someone threw their pencil at you, growling you look around to see Grubbs laughing as quiet as his could rather than exploding you just turn back around there's a girl to your side who look at you..."Hey, you ok? Sorry about Grubbs, he's not like this normally. Anyways I'm Reni, you?" You look at her, she had dark hair like that Loch person and looked a little like him but way smaller and more innocent looking. She threw a baffled look at you after a minute,"Are you mute or something?" Even though you don't like talking to people you say," I'm fine, my name is (y/n)," she smiles "I like your accent, at lunch come find my table," she smiled and continued taking notes.

After several more classes it's lunch time and like Reni said you look for her table and with her is Loch, Grubbs and someone else. You being naturally shy want to find a quiet place and eat until Reni spots you,"(y/n)! Over here!" You hide your face and walk over there and sit next to her when she introduces you to the others, "Guys this is (y/n), he's the new kid," Grubbs interrupted her, "oh, sorry for throwing the pencil, I was aiming at Loch," he smiles at laughs, he's larger than you but he's so cute, at that thought, you freeze. While he and Loch start arguing you focus on what you just thought. Why? Before anything else you get hit on the head by a plastic spork you turn and see Grubbs laughing followed by Reni scolding him the other kid at the edge of the table looks at you and moves on the other side of you and says, "Hi I'm Billy, with an E not a Y," he smiles at looks at the riot behind him where Loch and Grubbs have each other in a headlock and Reni is yelling at them to stop. You sigh and stare at Grubbs then shake your head and eat without looking at the mess of friends.

At the end of the school day you start to walk home instead of the bus so you can think. It will be an hour, assuming you don't get lost, and you just want to think. You get a few blocks away from the school before someone put's their hand on your shoulder. You jump forward and look back to see Grubbs right behind you, he smiles and laughs, "That's some good reflexes there," his smile was nice and gave you a faint smile, but non the less you turn around and start walking again trying to ignore him which is no use as he follows you, "Are you mad about the spork or the pencil?" He continues to follow you without saying anything, a several blocks down you can see your house down the road and when you look at him you finally say, "What do you want? Why do you keep following me?!?!" He sighs saying, "It's just your new and I was a jerk so fast with getting to know you and I'm sorry and I think I...." He cuts himself off there and smiles. You look at him with a blank face, "My house is down here, if you want we can go play video games," He smiles and agrees and walks next to you as you walk home.

When you get inside more boxes were unpacked and the house was really coming along, you call out for anyone and go into the kitchen and there's a note, "Went to store and have to run errands in Dublin be home around 8. PS: there's 20 Euros in fridge for pizza in case you brought a friend or two. PPS: I know you are, my mother senses are tingling ~Love Mom" You take the Irish Euros out and look at Grubbs," Hungry?" he nods no and you two go up to your room where you already had the game set and started to play. After several rounds and him betting you, you get angry and yell, "WHAT THE HELL!?!? THIS IS THE GAME I'M BEST AT, YOU CHEATER!" He laughs and you push him down to the ground and sit on his stomach even though he's still laughing, you're growling but stop and smile then kiss his lips.

The Werewolf I Loved(Grubbs Grady X Shy!Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now