Chapter 1

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Annabeth's Pov:

It's my first day at my new school and I am so nervous, I could throw up. What if they don't like me? What if I don't fit in? What if? I have so many thoughts going threw my head right now. I looked up at the clock. CRAP! I have 5 minutes to get to the bus. I slammed my book shut, grabbed my bag, and rushed out the door. Sadly, I wasn't really looking where I was going and I ran right into a boy that was coming out of the apartment next to mine.

"Hey watch it" the boy snapped and looked up at me. I suddenly realized I was on top of him.

"Uh, I sorry, I didn't see you there" I got off and helped him up. I looked down at my watch and dashed off, 3 minutes. Then I noticed the boy was running after me. We got to the bus stop, just as the bus rolled in. I sat in the way back and they Boy sat in the seat across from mine.

"I'm guessing your going to Goode" he said taking out his earbuds.

"What? Oh yeah actually I am, how did you know that?" I starred at him, I have to say I'm creeped out.

"We're the only High School in New York that starts this late" He still wasn't even looking at me "I'm Percy by the way" he finally turned towards me.

"Annabeth, so you go to Goode too?" I said looking him over. He has messy, jet black hair, and captivating sea-green eyes.

"Yeah, my step dad teaches there, so" he shrugged and put his earbuds in. Well, I guess that conversation is over.


Percy's Pov:

The rest of the bus ride I had to resist the urge to look at Annabeth. The way her golden curls fall down her chest and her stormy gray eyes look like they know all and stare into your sole. She was literally drop dead gorgeous. So instead of thinking about it, I listened to my music, but it wasn't helping. I kept replaying the scene over and over inside my head. When she fell on me, it was like 100 volt of electricity going through my veins. When we finally got to school I hurried to get to my locker and find my friends. I found Jason in the cafeteria, but I left him alone because I saw piper with her friends on the other side. Jason has been crushing on her ever since he moved her a few years ago and I think he is finally going to get the nerve to ask her out. I found Frank, but he was hugging Hazel, again. They have been going out for like a year now and they still never kissed. Finally, I found Luke, Thalia, and Rachel talking by Luke's locker.

"Hey guys" I walked over.

"Oh, hey Percy, we were just talking about the new girl, Annabell? I think" Rachel smiled. It's a well known fact that she has a giant crush on me.

"Annabeth" I corrected her and they all stared at me "She lives in the apartment next to mine and we talked on the bus" I defended myself.

"Whatever, listen Percy, you should ask her out" Thalia suggested.

"What?" my eyes widened.

"I don't know, I though maybe she looked like a good match for you, I mean she's pretty, she's smart, and I hear she loves cookies" she tried convincing me.

"No" I glared at her.

"Fine, fine, it was worth a shot, oh and here she comes now" Thalia smirked.

"What?" I turned around and sure enough, there she was, walking towards us.

"Oh, hi Percy" she sorta half smiled as she came up to us.

"Hey" I eyed her.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Annabeth's Pov:

Oh gods, why is he here.

"Um.... can I get through, I need to get to my locker?" I bit my lip and Percy looked at his friends, who were staring at me, and jerked his head so they would move.

"Oh, right, sorry" a girl dressed in all black and short black hair said and pushed her red headed friend out of the way gently. I walked forward and and opened my locker. As I put my stuff in the girl leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Your Annabeth right?" she asked and I saw Percy slap his forehead and slide down the lockers by her.

"Yeah" I looked at them all weirdly.

"You know what" Percy stood up and grabbed the girl by the shoulder and gestured for all his friends to follow. I could see by his face he was annoyed. He was obviously whisper yelling at them and his arms were flailing. Finally he calmed down and they all walked back over.

"Sorry about that, do you want to sit with us at lunch today" the girl asked.

"THALIA" Percy exclaimed and she just rolled her eyes.

"Sure, I guess" I honestly was happy to have somewhere to sit.

Percy leaned on Thalia shoulder and said "I am so sorry about them, they live to annoy me, by the way this is Thalia" he smacked the girl upside the head "Luke" he pointed to a tall, blonde boy with blue eyes "and Rachel" he gestured to the red headed girl, who was staring daggers at me.

"Hi" I half smiled and sorta waved once.

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