4 - Secret thoughts

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Halfway through dancing and singing with Becca and Kate, I started to feel really dizzy,
I think I needed to puke badly.
"I'm just using the bathroom!" I shouted to Becca who had had found herself all over a jock.
"Okay!" She slurred
I had no idea where the bathroom even was so I went upstairs. I had to climb over multiple passed out people, and slide past couples making out. I opened a few doors, revealing some things that I did not want to see..
Finally I found the bathroom, I pushed the door open and what I saw was the weirdest.
Grayson, unzipped and in mid pee.
"Aah!" I shrieked and slammed the door behind me.
I slid down the other side of the door in hysterical fits of laughter, I think someone's spiked my drink because last time I checked, coke was not enough to make you this happy.
I felt the door pushing on my back and I got up to see Grayson.
"I'm really sorry, I should have knocked," I said, resting my hand on his shoulder.
He pushed it off and said.
"Yeah, learn to knock dude." He muttered and walked off to the party.
I think I really pissed him off.
I shrugged and made my way to the toilet.
I was too busy thinking about how happy I was right now, the fact I'd just seen his, ya know..
I laughed at my thoughts and headed back to Becca and Kate.
Becca was still all over that guy and I couldn't seem to find Kate.
I was trying to get into the living room when I collided with someone's chest.
"Oh I'm sorry," I mumbled and looked up.
Eek, it was Grayson
"Nah, it's fine." He chirped with a smile,
Huh? He was annoyed two seconds ago.
"Um, are you okay?" I asked, confused.
"Um yes.." He replied awkwardly.
"You were annoyed a minute ago though.." I was really confused now.
"Uh .. I've never met you before, no offence." He said with a frown.
"I'm Ethan." He said slowly.
"Ethan Dolan." He repeated
"Oh, you look a lot like someone else. Huh." I replied
"That would be Grayson, he's my twin brother." He seemed annoyed by this.
"Oh, that's pretty cool, well I have to find my friend, nice meeting you Ethan." I smiled and walked away but someone grabbed my hand, stopping me.
I turned to see Ethan clutching my outstretched arm.
"Wait, what's your name?" He asked
"Oh, it's Charlie, Charlie Wills." I replied
"Nice to meet you." He gave me a smirk before letting my hand go.
I turned to find Kate surrounded by people. Please don't tell me she's in some cliché fight with another girl or something.
I pushed my way through the bundle of people and saw Kate sitting on a couch, right in the centre of the crowd.
"And that's when I said, well actually that's mine!" She finished and everyone burst into fits of laughter. I grabbed her hand and said
"Come on Kate, talk shows over, let's go!"
"Bye everyone!" She waved as I dragged her out, grabbing Becca on my way.
Both of them were pissed and I was mildly drunk so I called a cab.
We'd all decided to go back to Kate's house to sleep after the party.
When we got back, we all got changed into our pajamas.
I was in the bathroom taking my dress off. I pulled on one sleeve and something fell out.
I got changed into my huge bed t-shirt and picked it up.
It was a note. I unfolded it and read the contents.
17598 272 278
Text me.
(A/N I have no idea who's number I've just leaked lol)
I was too tired to call them now and they probably weren't awake as its like 1:00 am.
I'll just do it tomorrow.
I walked into Kate's room. She and Becca were already fast asleep so I pinched a blanket and pillow and set up on the floor next to Becca.
I slept soundly that night. I knew I'd had a dream but I couldn't remember what it was.
The next morning I woke up to an empty room.
I trudged down the stairs and found Becca and Kate sitting at the table.
Ooh pancakes.
I sat down and Becca smiled,
"So you're a sleep talker huh?" She said abruptly,
I sipped some orange juice whilst frowning,
"What?" I was kind of confused, no one had told me this before.
"I couldn't sleep at all last night. All I could here was you mumbling Grayson." She giggled
I almost spat out my orange juice but instead I choked.
"Oh my god, what?" I whispered to myself.
"Then you started to say sorry and something like, should have knocked, I dunno." Becca added.
After a while, we finished breakfast and Becca and I went home.
I can't believe I was dreaming about Grayson. Ugh, I tried to throw the thought out of my head but it would never quite leave so I settled for it to sit right at the back of my mind.
"Hey mum I'm home!" I called.
"Do you ha e any homework to be done this weekend?" She answered
"No!" I yelled back.
A prime example of my mother caring only about my grades.
I went upstairs to get my laptop and headphones to go sit outside on my front lawn and perfect my borderline mix.
I was enjoying the sun, the feel of the grass on the backs of my legs and the sound of my mix so far.
Grayson's POV
I was walking down beach road to meet Ryan, one of my best friends.
I looked over to someone on their front lawn.
It was a girl, she had a laptop resting on her
knees and she had headphones in. She looked really cute with her blond hair swaying in her face and the way she fiddled her feet together.
Wait, is that.. it was that privacy invader from last night. I immediately swatted the previous thoughts away like flies.
Those were meeant for Stephanie.
I've had a crush on her since the fifth grade, stupid I know but I really like her.
Everything about her.
I crossed the street to to Ryan's house, next door to her's, great. Note my sarcasm.
"Learn to knock." I muttered as I walked past her.
She glared at me and went back to her laptop.
Charlie's POV
Although I couldn't hear what he'd said, I knew it wasn't a pleasant comment, I rolled my eyes as he walked past.
What was he doing down my road anyway?
Please God don't tell me I don't live down the same road as a class A dick.
He walked up the drive of the house next door and walked back down again, accompanied by  a freckly kid.
They both held longboards as they strolled back past me.
Grayson's POV
"That's the new girl, she moved in a few days ago, she's hot right?" Ryan said and nudged me in the shoulder
Yeah, I know right, my mind told me to say but all I could force my self to think of was Stephanie.
I shrugged and stared ahead.
"Ah dude, don't tell me you're still hung up over Steph." Ryan moaned and I shrugged again.
"Ryan, you don't want that new girl, she's a bitch." I muttered whilst glaring at her.
"How do you know?" He asked
"Experience" I replied bluntly
He shrugged and we rode our longboards to the park.
Charlie's POV
About an hour later I was satisfied with my mix and it sounded pretty good if I do say so myself.
"Haven't you got to practise those drums?" My mum yelled patronisingly as soon as she heard me walk through the door.
"Ugh, fiiine," I moaned and went to get my sticks.
I went back out the front and opened the garage door.
Dad had already set my kit up so I just sat down and flicked through my sheet music.
I'd been secretly learning the beat to Pretender by The Foo Fighters. I mean, it sounds simple in the song but it was actually really hard to learn.
Mum insisted that I remained focused on jazz but it got boring after a while so I took another route.
I started playing and it was as if my drums was a trigger for old people to yell at me, I just ignored them and carried on.
Grayson's POV
We'd been at the skatepark for about an hour and we started to get bored so we headed back.
When we turned the corner for Beach Road, I could hear a faint pounding sound.
When we walked further down the road it got louder.
"What is that?" Ryan read my mind,
"I don't know.." I replied absentmindedly
We went round the last bend and we could see Ryan's house about 30 yards away.
The sound was really loud now and I was physically looking around now for the source.
I turned my head to the new girls house and my eyes immediately widened.
There she was, in her garage, sitting infront of an awesome drum kit.
She was completely focused and I watched her hands as they switched between all the drums.
She was so cool, I thought. This time I couldn't break away from my mind's opinion.
"Dude, she's awesome!" Ryan was in complete awe.
Charlie's POV
Yes, I'd finally cracked it!
I played though the whole song and when I'd finished, I was so out of breath.
I looked up.
Grayson and his freckly friend we standing there, jaws dropped.
I couldn't help but smirk.
I got up and shut the garage door.
I saw Grayson pulling his friend up his driveway, he looked angry for some reason.
Grayson's POV
I refused to believe she was cool, or hot for that matter.
No, just think of Stephanie.
I dragged Ryan up his driveway and said bye before stomping all the way home.
I had to find a way to cover up my thoughts.
I know.
I'm just gonna do my best to act like I hate her, she'll never know.
Charlie's POV
I went to my room and flicked through my Twitter feed.
I do t know why, but I soon found myself searching Grayson's account.
I told myself I was just gonna look at the stupid shit he tweeted.
I began typing his name but by the time I got to the y my Twitter blew up with all the accounts that there were.
I looked on one of them and realised it was a fan account, what the..?
They had fan accounts?
I managed to find Grayson's real account.
My jaw dropped wide open,
Oh my..
He had a link to YouTube so I followed it.
He had YouTube too? I watched a few, he was really funny, I only realised a few videos through who accompanied him.
Ethan, that guy I met at the party. I'm not gonna lie, they were both cute, hot even.
I soon realised that my opinion on their faces matched about three million other teenage girls'.
It took a while to take in that they were famous, it all started to come together like a puzzle.
That's why all those girls were fawning over him at school and that's why the most 'popular' girl in our year was all over him.
Probably wanting him for his fame, and not to mention his good looks.
Wait no, that still didn't explain why he was such a jerk to me.
I was so sidetracked with finding out they were famous, I almost forgot about that note I'd found.
I think I'd put it in my purse from the party so I went to check if it was there.
It was. I grabbed my phone and typed in the number.
I texted them, still not knowing who it was.
Me: ur, I dunno who u r but nm .. hello.. it's Charlie btw
Unknown: so u found my note 😏 guess who??
Sorry for all the POV changes in that chapter lol, anyway, I hope you enjoyed that chapter.. please comment or vote bc I love to hear ur feedback, let me know if it's shit 😂   thank you 😚
- Rach ⭐️🐛

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