Chapter 25

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It's been a week since I walked away from Vic, even though we were only dating for a week, we had such a connection beforehand it hurts so much to see him walk through the halls with his head down and a permanent frown on his face.

He's moved back to the back of the class and he's ignoring everyone's existence just like before, he tried speaking to me a few times but I just run away from him and break down in the toilets, I'm probably blowing this all out of proportion but it hurts that Vic's the guy that's caused me no end of rage, hell I smashed my room up because of him, that's bad.

I walk into the canteen and walk straight to my usual table, keeping my bag on my back and putting my head on the table, covering myself with my arms.

"You alright Kells?" Justin asks, making my eyes tear up and causing my bottom lip to quiver, Vic calls me Kells.

"Yeah." I say, my voice cracking slightly, making Matty nudge me, I look up at him and see he's looking at me with eyes full of sympathy, making me face the table again and close my eyes.

I felt a small tear fall down my cheek, but before anyone could notice I got back to my original position.

More people start to flood the cafeteria, and soon our table was full with people who I was acquainted with. Although, I never moved from my position, not even when I heard people mumbling about me.

"What's up with Kellin?"

"What crawled up Kellin's ass this morning?"

"Why is Kellin being so moody?"

I didn't comment on them, I just stayed silent. Their words just made me more down than I was, reminding me that I was upset, then reminding me of why. I bumped into Vic on the way here, and honestly it was getting too much to handle. He didn't even try to talk to me this time. He just made a small noise, continuing to all by, not acknowledging my existence. It really brought my mood even further down than what it already was.

"Hey, Kell?" Gabe called from the other end of the table. I ignored him, staying the the same position.


"Can you fuck off?!" I snap, quickly lifting my head up and looking to him. Everyone turned the heads towards me, shocked at my little outburst.

"Come on." Matty says, pulling me up off my seat and out of the canteen, and I just let the tears fall down my cheeks.

"Whoa, what's up with you? Why isn't Vic sitting with us anymore?" Just the mention of Vic's name made more tears fall down my cheeks and a choked sob leaves my throat.

Matty pulls me into a hug and I don't fight it, I just grab his jacket and cry into his shoulder, taking deep breaths to keep myself calm before sobbing all over again.

"Kell, I need you to stop crying, please." Matty says, pulling away from me but keeping a firm grip on my shoulders, looking straight at me.

"Don't call me that, please." I murmur pathetically, thoughts of Vic running through my mind constantly making it harder for me to keep myself calm and collected.

"Okay, so tell me, what's happening?" He asks, looking at me with sympathy in his brown eyes, annoying me slightly because I don't want his sympathy.

"Me and Vic are technically not together." I mutter, looking away from him and biting my nails, a nervous habit.

"What do you mean technically?" Matty pushes, making me sigh, I knew he couldn't leave it at that, he's too curious.

"I just- I just walked away and we haven't talked since and I hate it so much. I feel so bad yet I'm so angry at him. He is such an asshole! Ugh, I hate Him!" I rush out, causing him to sigh a little.

"Kellin, slow down... Tell me why you hate him." He speaks slowly, making me let out a deep breath.

"HE'S DICKTURD!" I yell, before realising how loud I was. "He's fucking Dickturd." I say much quieter, my voice falutering slightly.

"Wait? As in the dude from Call Of Duty?" Matty asked a little surprised.

"Yeah. Yeah, him." I whimper slightly, causing Matty to pull me into a hug again.

"Hey, don't cry anymore please." He whispered. I just sighed quietly hoping for something to happen just to cheer me up, but nothing happened. I stayed silent, the small amount of people walking around the smally populated area we were in. I didn't want to cry anymore. I'd just look weak. People will make fun of me for crying like a little prissy ass about a game, but like I've said before, this isn't a game. It's what makes me happy and what keeps me going. Now I don't even have that. My Xbox is broken.

"My Xbox is broken" I mumble quietly.

"How?" He asks, looking kind of amused at the fact.

"I broke it." I shrug, looking away from him and across the hall making eye contact with Vic who just walked out of the classroom, great.

I run into the bathroom, Matty shouting my name and running after me, banging on the stall door while I lean against the wall, breathing heavily.

"Matty? Why doesn't anything go right for me? I lost the best thing in my life, I broke my favourite thing to pass the time with, my mind is fucked, heck I've been thinking about the worst things since I've returned home, my mom is still an abusive asshole and continues to hit m-"

"She what?" Matty shouts, making my eyes widen as I unlock the stall door and step out, trying to think of an excuse in my head.

"Nothing." I murmur, looking down at the floor and ignoring his stare, "Kellin, you just told me your mom is an abusive asshole, that isn't nothing!" He exclaims, making me shush him because anyone could be outside listening to my life problems.

"No, I never said that." I lie, causing him to roll his eyes.

"I heard you, Kellin. I'm not stupid!" He states, being fairly frustrated.

"Look, Matty. Please dont tell anyone. Please don't. She'll find out and get mad at me and she's bad enough as it is. Either she'll hurt me or get her boyfriend to kill me or something and I don't want to cause anymore trouble. Don't worry about me, I've put up with it long enough. Another few months won't make a difference. Once we finish school and go to college I don't have to see her face again. I can live in the dorm and get a job so I can get an apartment or something when I leave. Just please don't tell anyone. They'll think I'm weird. They'll give my sympathy when I don't want it. I don't want my mom to go to prison. As much as she hates me I could never hate her. She's my mom. I love her and I can't help it. At
Least she hasn't abandoned me completely you know? Just please please please don't tell anyone. I can't have anyone knowing, Matty. It'll ruin my reputation. Just please don't." I rush out, my voice falutering once again. I was so stupid.

"Kell." He groans, seemingly conflicted with this whole situation.

"Please Matty, I beg you." I whimper pathetically, Matty's face visibly softening as he lets out a frustrated sigh.

"Okay, I promise to keep this between us." He mutters, sending me a small smile before I pull him into another hug, smiling when he hugs me back, sometimes a hug is all I need.

"Thank you Matty, seriously." I tell him, still hugging him tightly, "Yeah, as much as I don't like this right now, you're welcome." He whispers, hugging me tightly.

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