Chapter Three

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"Harry, please." I begged

"Please what? I need to know what it is that you want exactly." he said looking up at me between my own thighs. I looked at him, sliding my legs down and closing them so I was laying completely flat on my back with Harry just looking at me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?" he asked angrily rubbing his hands up and down my thighs.

"I'm not going to lie here and be made fun of so I'm getting up."

"The hell you are. Open you're fucking legs back, now."

"No" I huffed crossing my legs secretly loving the power I had right now. He got so angry when he was told no, it was comical really.

"Either you do it or I will" He growled. He slipped his hands between my thighs to open my legs but tickled so jerked kicking him in the process. Laughing slightly I asked if he was okay. He gave me a look that I wasn't sure I completely liked.

"You're going to get it now." As soon as those words came out of his mouth I knew I was in for something I wasn't particularly sure was good.

Harry had pried my thighs apart and was between them so fast I had no time to react. He bite my thighs softly, slowly licking over the places he had bit. His hot breath fanned over my center as he went from thigh to thigh slowly torturing me.

Finally his mouth had latched onto me and if it wasn't the most heavenly thing I'd ever felt I don't know what was. His tongue was swift against my hot flesh. His mouth was skilled and that brought me to think about how he became so talented in this skill but i pushed the thought to the back of my mind before it ruined the moment. 

"God damn Alex you are heavenly. I wish I could have you like this every day." In that moment I had thanked god for his dirty mouth and the way he spoke to me. He had brought his hand up easing a finger into me while his mouth worked on the small bundle of nerves that could cause me to slip into a euphoric state any second now.

"Harry please faster" he was moving his fingers painfully slow. I would do anything for him to go faster. He mumbles something against me and I almost lost it. I wasn't sure as to what he said but I needed him to say it again.

As if on cue he sped up. Arching my back off the bed gripping his hair trying to control my body I was pushed over the edge. My eyes had rolled to the back of my head, and anything I had tried to say was transformed into moans.

My eyes shot open as I heard someone banging on my door. I got up quickly and open it.

"What the hell do you want?" I snapped at Oakley then realized how mean I sounded. "I'm sorry, what is it Oakley, is something wrong?"

"You were screaming, I thought you were having a nightmare or something. I was trying to wake you up."

"Oh" I said blushing "I'm sorry, thank you for waking me. I was having a nightmare" I lie.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" he said with his big brown eyes

"No, thank you" How did i even get to my bed? Oakley was walking away but I decided to ask him anyway.

"Oakley?" He turned around to look at me.

"Yeah "

"How did I even get to bed?"

"Oh" he chuckles "I carried you in here after you dozed off last night on the couch."

"Oh, well thank you but I could have walked in here."

"Its fine, I didn't mind, you weren't heavy or anything if that's what you're worried about." I was worried about that and the fact that we are not dating and I'm confused right now as to what I should be doing. Is he trying to flirt with me and stuff? Or was he just being the Oakley I know and love? This is honestly so confusing, I need to get out of the house and think for a little while. Maybe I will start going to the gym today. I've been meaning to go for a while now and I just haven't been motivated to go. Not this gives me a reason to go.

"Okay" is all I say so he will stop staring at me with his puppy dog eyes and so I can get ready to leave. I just slip on some sweats and a tee-shirt and then I'm on my way out the door.

"I'll be back later, don't wait up." I yell through the apartment but I think Oakley has left.

I lock the door and then get in my car to go search for a decent gym to start working out in. I drive all around looking for one that didn't seem to intimidating. Finally after about thirty minutes of driving around town I remember that the university has a gym right down the road from it. I don't know why I didn't think of that place before, it's even close to the apartment. Diving another fifteen minutes I'm finally there.

I park and get out. As I get out I notice Oakley's truck parked a few rows away from mine. That can't be him, can it? Oh god please don't let it be him. I need time away from him not time with his sweat soaked body.

I walk in and don't see any sign of him are first and I'm relieved, maybe someone just has a similar truck like Oakley's. I get a tour around the gym by some guy that works there named Randy. He's pretty nice, and has the whitest teeth I've ever seen. I don't know what he does to them but I make a mental note to ask him before I leave today. As we approach the last room on the tour I see Oakley's sweat soaked body lifting weights in the room. I immediately hid behind Randy's rather large figure.

"Miss what are you doing?"

"Im hiding"

"I can tell but from what, or presumably whom?"

"Oakley, the guy in there lifting weights."

"Did he do something to you."

"No I just don't want him to see me. Can we please go back to the room with all the tread mills?"

"Yes ma'am"

We quickly make our way back to the other room and I get started right away after filling out some paper work. I start off just stretching and getting ready to start running when I hear someone call my name. I turn around to see Oakley just standing there soaked in sweat.


"What are you doing here?" he says

"I wanted to start going to the gym so i got a membership here." I say trying not to look his body up and down.  He looked great covered in sweat I had to say. I had never really seen him in anything besides his work clothes so it was a sock to see him all sweaty and in just a muscle tee and basketball shorts. Was he always this attractive? Did I always find him this attractive? oh god this is too much for me to think about right now.

"Oh well maybe we can work out together sometime?" smiling I nodded

"Yeah, maybe!"

"Okay, well I gotta get going i have to be at work soon. See you at home later?"

"Yeah see you later." I waved then grabbed my things taking them into the weight room. i seriously needed to work off some steam after that.

A/N: Hope everyone likes it !! comment and vote !! I love you all so much and thank you so much for everything you guys do! Kisses- R

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2016 ⏰

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