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Mina was incredibly excited! Christmas was finally coming to town and the whole town was lit up with red and green lights. There were trees in everyone's houses and even one at the school that they set up before winter break.
"Are you sure you don't want to come, Mina?" Nan had invited Mina to come stay at her step-dad's house in Florida, and even though she wanted to go, Mina had a gut feeling that there wouldn't be any quests around this time of year, so she wanted to spend some quality time with her small family.
"Nan, I'm sorry, I would love to go but I told mom I'd stay for Christmas... She still hasn't handled dad not being here very well." Mina sighed loudly and kicked her way through the snow that led to her new/old house.
"Oh yeah, well." Nan grabbed Mina's arm and pulled her into a tight hug. "You won't forget to send me a present, will you? My mother gives the worst ones possible." Nan rolled her eyes then smiled.
"Of course! I couldn't forget!" Mina gave Nan one last hug before entering her house.
It had passed through her family through many generations, and when their sort of home above Mei's restaurant burned down, they were moved here by Sara's godmother.

"Honey? Is that you?" Sara came down the stairs and kissed her head. "Come on in, it's freezing out!" Charlie, Mina's younger brother, came jumping down the stairs excitedly. "Charlie! What have I told you about jumping on the stairs? You could fall and break your neck and die!" Charlie grinned sheepishly at his mother and motioned for Mina to come upstairs.
"What is it bud? You got something for me?" Mina was actually quite surprised that Charlie had even gotten her anything, if that's what this was all about. In the living room, a fairly large tree had been set in the corner, with decorations galore. Sara, Charlie and Mina decorated it in colors green and blue, because Mina couldn't stand the color red and her mother didn't seem to mind one bit. Under the tree, there were six presents, two for Mina, two for Charlie, and two for Sara.
"Honey, Charlie's friend, um what was it Charlie?" Sara looked over at him "Michael? Joey? Matt?" Charlie held up two fingers. "Alright. Charlie's friend Joey invited him to come to his grandparents house for a few days. I was wondering if you had any plans?"
Mina shook her head. "Nope, I have no plans." She was kind of aggravated that the one time she could spend time with these people, she's reminded just how much more popular get mute brother is than her.
"Oh! Ok then." Sara sighed and started passing out presents.
"Mom? Do you have something else, you wanted to tell me?"Mina asked looking into her moms face. Sara sighed.
"Mei asked me if I wanted to go with her to a resort somewhere in the Caribbean  and I thought, that if you were doing something..."Sara ended with a shrug.
They started to open presents one at a time, like they always did. They may live in a huge mansion, but their mom was still only a maid, so money was tight as usual. Meaning that, the presents weren't too big or amazing, but they were still meaningful.
"Oh wow, Charlie! This is beautiful!" Sara held an ornament, with purple and silver glitter all over. Charlie beamed and gave his mom a hug.
"Wow... Thanks Charlie!" Mina's was red and gold. Her two latest least favorite colors... But it was truly a wonderful gift. They both placed the ornaments on the tree.
The night continued, presents were opened, cookies were eaten, movies were watched, and it was finally time to sleep.
"Mom? You can go to that resort." Mina called out to get mom, who was in the bathroom, brushing her teeth.
"Wha hoey? I couln ear you!" Sara said through toothpaste. Mina sighed, and waited till her mom was done.
"I said you can go to that resort thing." Mina smiled at her mom. Sara, however, looked saddened by this.
"But honey, I don't want you to be alone, there's... It's not good for you to be alone" Sara's eyes started to water. "I won't go unless you have plans."
"Actually, I do!" Mina paused to think about what she just said. She couldn't say nan, because her mom already knew where she was going, Brody was... He didn't know who she was so that wouldn't make sense, and she didn't really like him that way anymore...  She thought.He and nan were a pretty good match. Her mom didn't know who Ever was so...
"Well? With who?" Sara was quite curious now.
"I have plans to go out with Jared." At that, Sara's mouth dropped.
"Jared? As in, the book, fae Jared?" She seemed astonished by this. "Alright Wilhelmina, but don't do anything stupid, you hear me?" With that, Sara kissed Mina goodnight and left.

Mina and Jared ChristmasWhere stories live. Discover now