Plane and First rounds

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It had been a couple months since i moved in with Jamie. I usually spend my time making excuses about why i can't hang out with him and i always say "i owe you one." So far... I owe him about 100. He always had Hockey prActice anyway. After a long couple months of teaching, Its the first day of summer vacation here in New York. June 25.

Suddenly he bursts in to my room. "Harley. Pack your shit."

"What? Your kicking me out?" I say.

Tears started to roll down my face as i slouch on my desk. I realize i have nowhere else to go.

"Im sorry for being such a Bitch Jamie... Please just give me a second-" i start to say but he interrupts me.

"Harley, what?! HARLEY! Im not kicking you out. Since you owe me a lunch, a dinner and a breakfast... Well actually you take a raincheck every time I make plans... You are gonna come to the NHL draft with me." He said.

I wiped my tears knowing that my mascara ran.

"WHAT? You got invited? Im so happy for you Jame! But... Im not sure i have...." I started saying.

"Don't say you have shit to do Harley because its your summer vacation and your here playing world of war craft on your laptop. So I'm not taking no for an answer." He said. He came closer and towered over me forcing my head to go all the way back.

"When do we leave?" I ask.

"10:30 is our flight to Florida. Its 8:00 right now and our cab will be here at 8:40." so you have 40 minutes to take a shower, eat breakfast and pack."

"What the hell Jamie? Ill skip breakfast. Leave me alone to pack i cant concentrate when you're around." I say.

"Ya ya. I understand you are always gonna be looking at my fine ass body." He said. He shook his butt before he closed the door and it made me laugh.

I took out my suit case and packed what i needed.

"Hey jame. What should i pack?" I ask.

"We are leaving the 29th so anything good for 5 days. Make sure you pack at least 3 fancy outfits." He yells back.

35 minutes later...
I finish packing and taking a bath. Right now I'm putting on my travel outfit and fixing my hair.

I turn on the music and do a little dance. I turn back only to see Jamie standing by the entry way of my room with his arms crossed looking FINE AS HELL. I felt my cheeks turn 10 shades of Red until i realized...  I was in my Bra and underwear.

"Damn Ma, you look better than you did before." He said.

"Shut up." i say as i put on my jeans.

"Cmon lets go." He says.

" i have five minutes!" I say.

"Uhm look again Harley its 8:38."

I bolt across the apartment putting my shoes on and getting in the elevator. As i held the door open for Jamie, i see him carrying my carry on and luggage along with his luggage. He gives me my brush as i brush my hair and put it in a bun. Jamie was chuckling the whole way down but he made the excuse "oh i just remembered something funny." When the elevator reached the lobby i received a couple whistles, i felt a breeze on my stomach... I looked down and then realized i was not wearing a shirt.

I could feel my face turn red.

Jamie dangled my shirt over his head as he watched me struggle to reach it. Finally he let go. He was laughing his ass off... Literally.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I ask

"I wanted to see how long it would take you to notice... I didn't know it would be that long." He laughed even harder.

"Your an asshole." I reminded him. "Now you're gonna have to carry my luggage."

He shut up and loaded our luggage on to the car.


We boarded the plane. I sat down next to Jamie as he introduced me to another person whom was apart of the draft.

His name was Connor McDavid. He was really cute. In the middle of the flight Jamie stood up and used the washroom. I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around only to be greeted by the Handsome Mr. McDavid.

"Oh hey Connor. Whats up?"

"Nothing.. I was kind of wondering... Is Jamie your boyfriend?"

The question took me by surprise. I shook my head. "Oh okay. Heres my number. We should hang while were down at Florida." He said as he handed me a piece of paper. I smiled. I smiled very big.

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