The fight

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A/N I got inspired by other stories I have read so please enjoy
Bloom's POV

Sky called me today asking to meet at lake Racaluche. (A/N did I spell that right? ) He didn't sound very happy, I'm really nervous now.

"Hi sky"I say as I walk towards him to hug him.

"Bloom no hugging or kissing until we straighten something out first."He says harshly.

"Ummm okay... so what do you want to straighten out? " I said nervously, not that I had done anything wrong, it's just that sky is making me nervous with the way he's acting.

"Who is he and why is he kissing your cheek?" Sky demands while Pointing to a picture of my cousin saying good bye to me.

"What? Were did you get that picture?" I have got to admit that totally caught me off guard.

"Mitzie." He replies coldly.

"Wha- I...I " I don't know what to reply.

"You know what Bloom, save it. If you don't want to be with me just say so. "

"Sky I..." I don't finish that sentence because Sky interrupts me again.

"Good bye Bloom, I don't want to hear it. " He turns around and leaves.

Ouch.I felt a stab in my chest. How could he do this to me? He didn't even let me explain. I turn around with tears in my eyes and run back to Alfea

As I enter our apartment I see Stella and Flora but I ignore them and run straight to my room.I guess Tecna, Musa and Aisha are out.

"Bloom wait! What happened?!" I hear Stella yell. Yet I ignore her.

I slam my bedroom door and cry.

How could he be so cruel and accuse me of something I didn't do?

"Bloom, sweetie, can me and Stella come in?" Flora asks.

"Okay, fine. "

Flora and Stella enter the room with worried expressions.

"Bloom? What happened? "Stella asks gently.

"Sky... he..." I ready can't continue I'm too sad and tired.

"I should have known! You don't need to explain if you don't want to." Angry Stella replies.

"Thank you." I whisper.

"It's going to be okay sweetie. " Flora says. I nod.

"I'm going to call him and he's gonna get it. " Stella grabs her phone to start dialing the number, but I stop her.

"No Stella don't he'll just think I told you to call him. "

"Okay fine. Can you at least tell us what happened? " Stella asks.

"Fine." I say.

"Hi sky"I say as I walk towards him to hug him.

"Bloom no hugging or kissing until we straighten something out first."He says harshly.

"Ummm okay... so what do you want to straighten out? " I said nervously, not that I had done anything wrong, it's just that sky is making me nervous with the way he's acting.

"Who is he and why is he kissing your cheek?" Sky demands while Pointing to a picture of my cousin saying good bye to me.

"What? Were did you get that picture?" I have got to admit that totally caught me off guard.

"Mitzie." He replies coldly.

"Wha- I...I " I don't know what to reply.

"You know what Bloom, save it. If you don't want to be with me just say so. "

"Sky I..." I don't finish that sentence because Sky interrupts me again.

"Good bye Bloom, I don't want to hear it. " He turns around and leaves.

"What a jerk... I'm calling Brandon." Stella says.

I just dig my face into my pillow while Flora strokes my hair.

"Hi Brandon, can I speak to you about Sky?" I hear Stella talking to Brandon.

Thanks for reading I'll update soon. :)
- ★Panchitagamer★

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